Saturday, November 29, 2008
The 2 baby boys will go to one friends house, 2 little girls to another and the older 2 to Grandma and Papa's!
Of course you can't leave town without some kind of major stress or emergency :) Jett fell on our granite counter top earlier and split his chin wide open! Thankfully, my friend Gayle came down and watched the kids so both Nick and I could go watch our super human doctor put super human super glue on his chinny chin chin! Praise God for no shot or stitches (brings back traumatizing last trip to ER with Wyatt being wrapped in what the ER DR called "the human burrito" while he received shots and stitches)-whoever invented this SUPER HUMAN SUPER SKIN GLUE is surely SUPER RICH!Please Keep us all in your prayers as we travel away from our babies (VERY TOUGH) We will talk you all you beautiful blogging people when we return!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
The only thing missing today was Brooke :(
Also....SO EXCITED that I actually get to make it to BLACK FRIDAY in the morning-Tori and I will head out at 3 or 4am to hit KOHL'S!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Both blogs are inspiring and their story is a real story of love, courage, compassion, family, loyalty, faith and suffering. You will be thankful you read their beautiful story.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I have consciously noticed that I've spent a crap load (crap load-get it?) of time in the bathroom lately. But yesterday I felt like I should just do school, laundry and move my pillow and blankie into the crapper and just work from there. I kept a tally of my time spent in there yesterday-OVER 30 times & almost 2 1/2 hours total-I plopped those 4 babes on the pot, wiped those little hineys and washed those darling little paws UGH! The main problem is PEER PRESSURE! When one of those little boogers has to go, they all just drop their drawers like it's the coolest new idea on the block! Then..the peer pressure even trickles down to me and before you know it I'm on the doggone pot too!
We have a "waiting line" outside the potty and as you can see, it's usually a full line!
I have shared & confessed my 2 a day "Ding Dong DIET" with people closest to me so I figured I would share it with my closest blog friends too. I normally eat 2 a night (after the kids are SOUNDLY sleeping-I ain't sharin' my Dongs peeps) and after the first one, my nerves IMMEDIATELY CALM! The last couple of days spent in the privy I have been tempted to go for 3 and I'm proud of me that I didn't fall into temptation-yay me. So, for all you moms out there who ate Ding Dongs in your childhood....Ding Dongs are making a come back!! I've eaten 2 a day since October and darn it, it makes me feel so good inside! What's worse eating Ding Dongs every day or being a ding dong? Okay so both apply to me! Seems the more kids I have the ding dongier I get! Glad I got that off my chest. Goodnight!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
LOVE DARE....Simple things
It is truly the simple things that make you feel loved. Easy, free things to remind those we truly love that we care about them.
Love truly IS a decision and marriage takes work-HARD WORK.
I always miss Nick when he leaves for his 7 days at work. He leaves in an hour. I already feel I will miss him EVEN MORE this week while he is gone. Thank you God for giving us a new appreciation of each other and our marriage.
Friday, November 21, 2008
I was gone all day with a friend shopping and "hanging out." We live quite a ways from anything except Wal-Mart so if someone is "going to the big city" we often go together or pick things up for each other that we can't get here. Thank God for on-line shopping! ANYWAY... I had to get 2 of the kids social security numbers changed over into their new adopted names before taxes so off I went. It was a good day but every time I go anywhere, I feel "rushed."
I arrived home late afternoon and helped dad get all the kids dressed so we could take B & T to a birthday party (which was about a 30 minute drive). Then on to take the 4 littles out to eat. We got the kids dropped off and Wyatt said "Dad, you're driving fast, makes me have to pee pee." (Actually he was NOT driving fast but driving on gravel.)
We arrive at Pizza Hut and start to unload and Nick feels the wetness as he unstraps Wyatt's car seat EWWW! Not just a little pee pee but more like a gusher! The only clothes I had on hand were a pink sweater and pink/blue striped girl pants so we WERE just going to put them on him until he nearly had a heart attack "I CAN'T WEAR GIRL PANTS!" So there goes my DEAR HUSBAND running across the parking lot of Pizza Hut, Running across the super Wal-Mart parking lot and he disappeared into the night. All 5 of us waited in anticipation for SUPER DAD to return. He finally came back-we got the new clothes on and ate our quiet family dinner-just the 6 of us! OKAY so there was NOTHING quiet about it :)
I am thankful for all 7 of my children tonight, my SUPER HUSBAND and my WILD LIFE!
It has been wonderful having Nick home for 3 weeks on vacation. We put our REAL FAKE Christmas tree up yesterday since he will be gone for Thanksgiving. He leaves tomorrow SO, I am off to Wal-Mart RIGHT NOW to make my weekly shopping trip & I'm tired. I have to double/triple check my list since all I buy tonight will have to last a week until he gets home and darn it... I ALWAYS forget SOMETHING! That is unless I want to drag 6 kids into Wally World and that is NOT FUN..TRUST ME! Good night, God Bless and have a great weekend!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I also wonder if baby Jett will always be that funny, sneaky, pesky little baby brother..hmmm
"I KNOW YOU PEEPS ARE SLEEPING but WAKE UP-Grandma's on the phone!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A Sneak Peak Into PDD-NOS Caty's Obsession!
Just a little peak inside Caty's little world. We love her for she is FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE! We love you Caty whether a-natural OR covered in makeup!
As I finish this post she is literally stomping & SCREAMING for her makeup over and over which has been put up for tonight.
Our Cruise Highlights!
Our first day was spent at sea-The water park and waterslides & 24 hour ice cream on board SAVED US! They were SO FUN!! 1 large waterslide and 2 small to keep the big kids busy and tons of water stuff for the little ones to play in that weren't too deep all while mom & dad lounged in our chairs in the sun AHHHHHH!
It wouldn't be a TRUE CRUISE experience without towel animals and an ice cream swan! The kids thought this was over the top fun!!
That evening we got on our "fancy duds" and went to dinner in the dining room-just Nick and I. We left Jett with Jamie. We didn't even get sat down when our Camp Carnival special RADAR CELL PHONE rang telling us Wyatt was flipping his lid SO... there I sat at the table alone while Nick went to get him. We started in eating and RING RING there the phone went again and this time it was Caty-Nick again went to get her and take her to be with Wyatt and Jamie. Needless to say, our romantic evening didn't happen. Nick retreated to "the boys room" and I to "the girls room" and to bed we went anticipating our day in Cozumel. Surely that would go smoother right?
As soon as we got off the ship, it was BEAUTIFUL once again. This time we were pulled up directly to the dock where in Grand Cayman we were tendered in (meaning we had to ride a smaller boat to get to the island). We again opted to leave baby Jett on board with the Camp Carnival staff. We were bound and determined to let the kids swim with the dolphins but through Carnival this was very expensive. We decided to take a taxi to CHANKANAAB National Park and try to negotiate The Dolphin Discovery on our own AND......IT WORKED! Nick negotiated a more than fair price for our ONCE IN A LIFETIME dolphin experience! The little ones had a complete blast, they got to get in the water, dance with and get kissed on the lips by a real live dolphin! It was truly worth every penny!
Brendan met up with a pirate in Mexico-we thought he was a statue but he was REAL! VERY COOL! Nick walked and carried a lot of weight this trip-love those biceps! Here he is walking about a 1/2 mile with Myah on his shoulders and Wyatt in the front! OUCH!
The last day at sea was cloudy and not so fun so we stayed inside and ate and the kids went to Camp Carnival for their "going away" party! They decorated t-shirts, backpacks and the counselors decorated them! Aren't my 2 butterflies adorable? Caty and Wyatt opted out of Camp Carnival but Myah, Brendan and Tori LOVED IT and had a great time!
To see all the pictures from our trip click HERE!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Out of the Mouth of my BABE.....
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Happy 3rd Wyatt Clifton! Three 3 year olds!
We already had Brooke, Brendan, Victoria and Myah AND just 3 weeks before Wyatt, we were blessed with Caty. The uncertainty of knowing whether his birth mother would in fact sign her rights over was hanging above us. The actual birth experience was Nick's first. We both cried like babies as we supported his birth mom while she labored to bring him into this world. It was a very emotional time for all of us. She hadn't seen Brendan and Tori in a couple years so she and I stayed up ALL NIGHT watching home videos I brought for her to watch of them and just talking, catching up and bonding with each other.
God led us to her about 4 months before Wyatt was born. Just a couple months before we met her, Wyatt's biological father committed suicide. She was having a rough time. We actually found her because we wanted Brendan & Tori to have an open relationship with her. We had also heard she was pregnant. Nick and I flew down in our small plane to meet her one day, took her out to eat and told her if she EVER needed help, we would be there for her. Just a couple months later, I drove 4 hrs. down to take her to court. Before court we did a devotion, prayed and ate. The judge ended up sending her to jail right then and there. I was shocked. The good thing was, she was placed in jail a while but then in a women's correctional facility just over an hour from us for the duration of her pregnancy with Wyatt. It was during this time that she decided to let Nick and I adopt Wyatt although there was a lot of waffling in her decision. Such a sacrificial decision to allow Brendan and Tori to be raised with their brother.
On November 10, 2005 we became the parents to our sweet, screaming black haired baby boy!
He is a precious gift to ALL of us!
On November 11th, Brendan & Tori got to see their birth mom who they hadn't seen in 2 years, it was a beautiful day!
On November 12th she returned to prison to serve out her term. We visited her once a week for the 1st 6 weeks of Wyatt's life! She was released the next summer and we were there to pick her up and take her to her new home. Thank you God for her and our sweet Wyatt!
For 3 short months we will be the parents to THREE 3 year olds!