Tuesday, January 26, 2010

INTRODUCING Our Little ---------------!


We took the 6 littles to the sonogram

I bawled like a baby at EVERY measurement, identification of the bones, brain, spine etc....

Then it was time to SHOP!!!!  I wanted to buy her first outfit. Something sweet & NOT ON SALE!  This is the sweet dress & bloomers from Baby Gap that I chose.

I also got some onesies and this sweet pear dress and bloomers!
Bean does SUCH A GOOD JOB taking my belly pics each week!
Here I am at 16 weeks!

We fill blessed beyond measure as we prepare for our sweet little girl to join this WILD FAMILY!
Thank you Lord for all you have given us!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I'm a trend setter among the 4 year old girls in my house. Apparently they think I'm HUGE at 15w4d. They went in their room and came out like this...Love the pink Dora undies on the head. My My is having "TWIPLETS".
Mini ME..
(minus the undies on head) I only do that when I get REALLY WILD!Reinactment of The Captain & I heading out on a date..Finally...UNDERWEAR MAN to the rescue!

My life is JUST NOT EXCITING ENOUGH FOR ME these days!

PS-CANNOT WAIT to see all of them "nursing" in about 5 1/2 months! HELP!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Our Homeschool HILARITY!!

OK...Either I am not teaching my 5th grader a DARN THING OR he has his sights set on "the heavenly." This math test from today was too funny not to share. All you teachers and homeschooling moms will appreciate my "congruent ANGELS."Right after lunch, I went to throw away something in the trash. The trash is the pull out to the right of this pantry. I heard what sounded like a MOUSE. I HATE MICE. Cautiously opened up the door and there he was!!! THE BIGGEST MOUSE I'VE EVER SEEN! Scared me half to death!
Hope your school days are as exciting as mine!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas, New Years, Blizzard, 13 weeks!

The Captain arrived home on the 27th. Our 2nd blizzard of the year was over. We were snowed in for 4 days. No one able to get in or out. Some kind neighbors came over and dug a path down the driveway so The Captain could get home that night. Here is me with my arm up on the snow in our driveway-it was flat crazy!The 28th we FINALLY had our family Christmas. It was a glorious day except for me getting stuck in the snow on my way to WALLY WORLD. I LOVE THIS PICTURE! All my children & The Captain-LOVELY! Missing is my SIL serving us unselfishly in Iraq.I BLAMED EVERYONE for the loss of my precious scotch tape about a week before Christmas & deemed myself insane for losing my mind and the tape!
BOY, DID I FEEL LIKE A TOTAL GOOBER when it was unwrapped in My My's gift-LOLBy the time I was ready to take a pic of my sweet 7-Bit But had had it! The Captain crouched down behind the couch and held him up for this priceless picture of my 7.Why ride my new Harley trike when I can nap in the box? We had a "HOT DATE" on New Years Eve! We left around 1:30pm to head to my OB appointment. I have been having some complications with my blood pressure & swelling so The Captain really needed to go with me. We then went out to eat at HUHOT ALONE! We visited the oldest at work and headed to the candy store where The Captain bought me my favorite sour candy and an ICEE & headed home to the kids. WE HAD SUCH A ROMANTIC TIME!
We busted out the Easy Bake Oven when we got home and T cooked up some treats, we had some snack food, played Battleship and were all in bed by 10pm. Our idea of a blissful NYE...
I am 13 weeks pregnant today. This pregnancy has been much rougher on me than I expected but we are SO THANKFUL for our sweet miracle baby. I am on twice daily blood pressure medicine & am now considered "HIGH RISK" until I give birth. I will be monitored closely with monthy sonograms, lots of extra testing and must check my bp often. I have a 1 in 4 chance of developing preeclampsia. Which is very scary. But I know OUR GOD will protect us.
The baby is doing fine-measuring great. We heard the heart beating at 156bpm on Thursday-such a comfort-music to our ears! In just 23 days we will know if we are having a boy or a girl! WE CAN'T WAIT!
May God Bless you all in 2010 as much as he has our family in 2009!