Saturday, May 29, 2010


SO THANKFUL to have made it until today!

Today is the milestone I "needed" to stay pregnant until to be able to have the baby with my OB. 
If I would have delivered before today, I would have had to go to THE BIG CITY!


MINI ME at 34 Weeks~Boobs and all!

I see my Dr. weekly now. My latest 24 hour urine last week wasn't the best. My protein went up from 170 to around 500. My Dr. says that she expects it to rise as the stress on my body from baby gets worse. I do my next one on Tuesday. I had an NST (non stress test) yesterday and the baby looked great. I was having a few small contractions according to the strip but didn't feel a thing.

Baby is still breech. She weighed 4lb 5 ozs over a week ago so she's getting bigger.Thank you Lord for getting us this far! She rolls all over in my belly all of the time and I KNOW I will miss that!

My church is continuing to provide meals while my The Captain is away working-SUCH A BLESSING! I don't know HOW I would do it without those meals! I am hoping he only has to go to work ONE MORE TIME before he is off for a while.

I basically lay around ALL DAY LONG and feel like doing nothing more at this point. Bed rest STINKS PEOPLE! But its worth it! It's tough not to be able to go to the pool, go outside-basically do NOTHING with the kids but indoor activities while The Captain is away.  It's just SO HARD to plan my kids summer when I have NO IDEA when baby girl will be here-camps, Bible schools, swimming lessons etc... are all on hold!

THE NAME-We have also changed Nineya's name which only cost us $$$$$$$$$$. I had ordered SEVERAL personalized items with her name on it already which I have re-ordered!

Hard to believe-We will be meeting our precious miracle girl soon-GOD IS GOOD!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

32 Weeks and MUCH...MORE...




Thats right-BIT BUT is COMPLETELY potty trained so he got his promised trip to CHUCKEE CHEESE!

The Captain asked me what I wanted for Mother's Day and this was it....
It felt SO GOOD to sit in the massage chair and get my toes done..
The BEST part was I got out and got to go to church on Mother's day and SOCIALIZE!

I came home to these flowers from the oldest and SIL.
My SIL also called me from Iraq to wish me a happy MD-what a GOOD SON!
That phone call=GUARANTEED tears flowing!

Do to The Captains flying schedule, and my bed rest, we just can't make it to everything, I was VERY SAD for my kids that we missed the Awana Awards ceremony a couple of weeks ago. They all worked SO HARD on their Awana books and verses this year but there was no way I could take all 6 on my own and I didn't want to send them with someone else and miss it so we stayed home.

Around 8pm on the night of the ceremony, there was a KNOCK at the door, it was their Awana leaders.
They did a PRIVATE CEREMONY for our kids.... in their JAMMIES!

Here are Bean and T getting their awards with their leader.
I cry just looking at the pictures-the kindness that God has shown our family through his MANY servants while I have been on bed rest has been so overwhelming.

Here are my 3 proud Cubbies getting their awards from their BELOVED leader.

MY MY's face was TOO PRICELESS not to share as she recieved her award!

This week while The Captain has been away, my dad's sister came to help me with the 6 littles for a couple of days.  The kids LOVED HER!! They cried when she left and wanted to go home with her!

Cinderella did more than read books, she mopped my 1500 square foot floor and MUCH MORE!
You can come back ANY TIME AUNT D! We are so thankful you were here!

Here is the new changing table! We are all ready for baby now!

My cousin has also set up a BABY POOL for us where you can guess the baby's name, weight etc.
CLICK HERE to join in & give your guesses.  The person with the most points WILL WIN A PRIZE!!

The last few weeks our family has been shown SO MUCH LOVE by our family and church family.
People providing meals, ice cream, hummus, books for me to read, company, cleaning and mostly GOD'S LOVE. Thank you all for TRULY being the hands and feet of Jesus. For sacrificing YOUR PRECIOUS TIME for us.
We appreciate you all more than you could ever know.