Saturday, June 19, 2010



I promise to get more photos on EVENTUALLY!
These are all sent from my phone so not the best quality BUT very easy to see her BEAUTY!

Friday, June 18, 2010


On Monday, June 14th at 4:46pm
We were so blessed to welcome

18 inches long

Blakely joined our family via c-section. The Captain took me to a routine Dr. appointment and my blood pressure was high so my Dr. decided to send us to the hospital & deliver precious Blakely at 36 weeks 2 days.

Since she was early, she has needed to stay in the NICU. I was released from the hospital as a patient today but continue to stay here with Blakely until she is released. She nursed for the first time yesterday and gets better each time. She is fed through a feeding tube for 2 out of 3 feedings and I am blessed to nurse her every 3rd feeding.

It has been EXTREMELY difficult to be away from The Captain and the 6 littles... I ache for them all and have cried buckets of tears. But right now, Blakely needs her mama a little more. Our home is a bit over an hour away from the hospital so its just too far to go back and forth.

Join us in praying that she will make it home to be with her family when God is ready for her to come home healthy and safe. 

The 6 littles have not seen her yet-they can't see her until she gets out of the NICU. SO, that is the reason I won't be posting pictures until her brothers and sisters see her first-SORRY!

BUT BOY IS SHE CUTE! She has long black hair and is just a precious doll!

I can't wait to share her with all of you! We are so thankful for God's gift to our family and this world in giving us little Blakely.

It's amazing to both The Captain and I that this time last year, she was frozen in a test tube and now she is a living, breathing, miracle of God! Almost too much for us to comprehend.

We are praising HIM  constantlyfor this INDESCRIBABLE GIFT!

Let me PLEASE give a shout out to The Captain for all his hard work. I love that man so.

He is feeding, bathing, cooking, cleaning both the children and the house PLUS getting the combine, tractor and all farm equipment ready for wheat harvest here in the next couple weeks.

He has taken the kids out to eat twice, to the swimming pool and is doing an incredible job of being a single dad while I have been away. God has given him a true love for his family and all he says when I ask him how things are going is "NO PROBLEM."  I AM SO PROUD TO CALL YOU MY HUSBAND HONEY! I LOVE YOU!

Until I get home, I will not be reading blogs or blogging much! I WILL BE BACK ONE DAY!