We started cloth diapering full time about 2 weeks ago.
(OK, let's be real...I started cloth diapering...)
I bought the below diapers (aka Chinese AIO pocket diapers) on ebay when I was preggers.
20 diapers for $90!
You can find a similar diaper HERE!
This is how they work..
Each diaper comes with an insert that soaks up all the pee and stuff..
Insert liner into pocket...
Adjust snaps/length to fit your baby.
(this is the tiniest size fit baby Bakers at 12 pounds)
Adjust waist-make it as tight as needed to fit baby.
You're DONE! Put on baby!
These diapers are okay and leak occasionally.
I only use these at home and maybe it is just because Bakers is still so little.
There was a promotion at BABY HALF OFF promoting these so I decided to order 2 diapers and see if they worked better than the Chinese dipes and WOW WOW WOW! I LOVE em! They hold all day and all night too if you need and NEVER LEAK!
They literally HOLD THE MOTHER LOAD!
They are ALSO a pocket diaper.
It may also be that they come in sizes and size small is the PERFECT SIZE for Bakers!
They say most kids don't need bigger than a medium until they grow out of them!
They also come in ONE SIZE from birth to toddler. I prefer perfect size.
GO HERE to order them. I ordered 5 more there plus the 2 I already had=7 LOOK HOW HAPPY BABY BAKERS IS IN HER NAPPYS!
You can JUST TELL, she's thinking GREEN!
Then I found 3 of these sweet daisy prints in blue and green on EBAY for $30 and got them.
I have 10 altogether and haven't needed more yet.
I Dry pail them and wash them every 2 or 3 days-SUPER EASY!
The Captain HAS NOT really dug these yet or changed one but he IS warming up to the idea!
For those of you who said you would never CD..THINK AGAIN, its SO SUPER EASY!
Nothing like when we were wearin em!
For those moms who DO Cloth Diaper, what is your favorite cloth diaper and why should I try/buy one??
And once you buy some, you just wanna buy more.
It can be addictive..
at least its diapers and not booze right?