Friday, December 31, 2010

I COULDN'T do it.....

Thank you ALL for the prayers and encouraging words.
I had EVERY intention of giving her a bottle in the night last night.
I even had it out and ready..
We had a fabulous night of nursing.
I don't know if I will stop the medicine or what.
We shall see.
I will take it minute by minute & pray for strength.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

WARNING...Weaning...MOM in TEARS...

Yes, the tears are flowing as I write this. To some it will seem trivial to be devastated over such a thing but for me, it is real..

For those of you who have been reading my blog for long, you know I had a ROUGH pregnancy with Baby Bakers. I was on bedrest for most of the pregnancy.  Since giving birth my body has gone into a TOTAL TAILSPIN. My liver has been a mess, I have had swelling in my arms and legs (still-7 months later). I have had severe joint pains in my hands and heels. Making my fine motor skills (snapping onesies etc.) very painful & challenging for me. I cannot lose weight for the life of me. I have had test after test for months now...The Captain thinks I may fall apart....Being pregant at 39 and holding was ROUGH PEEPS!

I FINALLY saw a rheumatologist yesterday who MAY have me all figured out. I spent 2 hours in his office doing tests, getting examined etc... He said with all my lab tests and history I could have one of 2 things

1. A virus caused by the upheaval of pregnancy to my body that is attacking my immune system and could last up to 2 years.

OR #2 which is what he thinks is MOST LIKELY.

2. Rheumatoid Arthritis.  This means I had to go on medicine immedietly (yesterday) to try to calm the swelling in my hands and feet and ease the pain. Medicine that goes into my breast milk....

THIS ALSO MEANS, I MUST WEAN BABY BAKERS FROM NURSING.  I cried off and on the entire 1 1/2 hr. car ride home from the Dr. It was devastating but I know I have to do what is best for my health.  The 3 doses of medicine I have taken have already helped.

So tonight, I nursed her before bed and then when she wakes in the night I will be giving her a bottle..... I will nurse her every other feeding tomorrow and then hopefully have her totally weaned by Sunday...

I know there are SO MUCH bigger problems and things I could be upset about but... THIS IS IT FOR ME. MY LAST BABY. THE.END. NO.MORE. THE GRANDE FINALE.

I will miss bonding with my sweet baby in this way. I am sad & hurting emotionally over this. I NEED MORE TIME!

It was something I WAS GOOD AT GUYS! And she LOVES IT...

Has anyone else ever had to do this? If so, advice and encouragement would be much OBLIGED!

Now I must go cry in my pillow...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Easy WREATH! YOU can make ONE TOO!

I saw a similar wreath SOMEWHERE and I cannot remember??

You will need the following supplies

Grapevine wreath $4
Letter of your choice $2
Instant Green Moss $5
Glue Gun
Exacto knife or razor blade

Paint your letter first just so around the edges it looks finished when hanging on the door.

After paint dries on letter lay it on moss.
I traced with a Sharpie marker and cut around letter with a knife.

I then hot glued moss to letter.
Hot glued letter to wreath.
Added Berries & an old ribbon from a past CHRISTmas present..
And VOILA....
The berries can easily be taken out and replaced with spring or fall nonsense!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Our first CHRISTmas (married)-2002~

2 more blessings added in 2004!

3 blessings added in 2005!
& 2006 Card

Another blessing added in 2007!



AND YET ANOTHER Blessing in 2010!

Looking back at these cards shows JUST HOW evident CHRIST'S LOVE is!
Brings tears to my eyes and WARMTH to my heart!

THE WARMTH of the GIFTS ONLY HE could give!
The Gift of adoption.
The adoption of US as HIS children..
The Gifts of our children-entrusted to us as their earthly parents.
SO MUCH to take in isn't it?


AND, If you are looking for a way to display your CHRISTmas cards this year, here is what we did with ours!
Didn't cost a dime and I LOVE IT!
The letters are in a basket at the bottom of the tree, just realized it could pass for a stem!
Despite The Captains opposition, I keep the pictures up until NEXT CHRISTmas!
I LOVE looking at them ALL YEAR!


Friday, December 17, 2010

6 months-YOU GROW GIRL!

I'm a bit late on our girls 6 month stats!
3 days to be exact!
But isn't HER SO PRECIOUS in her Santa hat?
Her shirt says "BEST GIFT EVER!"

You are rockin' back and forth on your hands and knees.

You weigh exactly 13 pounds 10 ounces.
Your Dr. says you are going to be a "peanut" but are growing PERFECTLY.

Your eyes are almost all the way brown now!

You eat big girl food 3 times a day now.

You still LOVE books!

You are liking your "Jenny Jump Up" more and more!

You are still loving to nurse!

You wear size 3-6 month clothes

Still in size small FUZZIBUNZ cloth diapers.

You LOVE to crinkle any paper so We are all excited for you to open your presents!

You still get up once in the night to eat.

I can't keep any sox on your feet!

You LOVE peekaboo!

Your little toes still don't touch the bottom of your exersaucer so we keep a pillow underneath!

You had your first drink of juice out of a sippy cup!

SO HARD to believe you are 1/2 a year old BIG GIRL!

WE all ADORE you to pieces!

Here you are this time last year!


IRONIC the date on the sonogram is 12/14-THE EXACT date
of your 6 month birthday a YEAR LATER!


Monday, December 13, 2010

7 Littles NATIVITY!

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, 

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2:8-14


Friday, December 10, 2010


One of my friends at church brought this seat to the church pot luck..

I was instantly in LOVE and KNEW Baby Bakers HAD to have one. It holds kids up to 37 pounds.

I have never liked high chairs that were seperate from the family table.

This one hooks RIGHT ON to our granite bar so she can be right with all the big kids!

It turns a FULL 360 degrees!

You can turn it backwards...


Or sideways to face you so you can feed her easier..

You can even pack it snuggly in its carrying case and take it to GRANDMAS!

 The ONLY complaint about this seat is the 6 other kids FIGHTING over who gets to sit by Baby Bakers!
If you are looking for a good high chair for your baby,

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Christmas BOW for the CAPTAIN!

You were probably thinking me...wrapped in a big RED bow right?
It's this pretty lady he's had his eye on..

We loaded up the 7 littles and headed to THE DEAD ANIMAL STORE 3 hours away...

Our "archery outfitter" gave The Captain a little lesson, adjusted the new bow to fit him..

The Captain give it a "LOOK SEE"

Put the arrow in and pulled the "THINGY" back.

While the 7 littles and I watched in awe..
Behind this sign...

He's a pretty PRECISE GUY-
for this was the result of the only 3 arrows he shot....

He dreams and hopes of getting AT LEAST this 60 pointer LOL!
I KNOW he can do it!

On a sweet side note..
RUN, RUN as fast as you can,
You can't catch her..
