After the stockings were removed from the mantel...
This is what was left. A note for the 7 Littles.
A puzzle actually that they QUICKLY put together..
IT IS ON to PREPPING the fishing poles and packing up for a LONG WINTERS TRIP!
We have 2 sets of matching shirts packed to wear.
ONE while at our Day at Magic Kingdom (compliments of Grandma).
ONE to wear everywhere else..(that I designed)
We snapped right back from CHRISTmas to packing for 30 days on the road!
BRIGHT ORANGE for the obvious reasons!
THE CAPTAIN has a 50 day VACA and we plan on taking FULL ADVANTAGE. Neither of us is a huge fan of the cold or winter so we are HEADING SOUTH! It's taken a TON of logistical planning. I hope all runs smooth!
We are SO BLESSED that friends GAVE US, YES GAVE US Magic Kingdom tickets for one day. For our tribe, this would normally be around $1000 for JUST ONE DAY! There was no way we had this in our budget but God provided through our fabulous friends! THANK YOU SO MUCH! This WONDERFUL COUPLE also gave us their 50% discount at FORT WILDERNESS!
Our first stop will be THE SAINT LOUIS ARCH..
Join us for the next 30 days on our ADVENTURE.
The CAPTAIN got me a new laptop so you can all follow along!
I will admit, I'm a BIT nervous to be gone that long.. "Did I pack everything I need?" "What if this or that happens?" I know God's got us covered!
We have some SUPER FUN STUFF planned and I think it will be a trip of a LIFETIME!
YES, We will be HOMESCHOOLING on the road!
NOW is the time I could USE THESE GIRLS with their MAD PACKING SKILZZZ!
PS-don't try to rob us while we're gone, we've got special people staying at our house too! :)