Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Life changing 2012!


We had these photos taken just 3 days before our son in law went to be with Jesus..

Our year is FLYING BY!! We are heading to our first YEARLY CONFERENCE for IT WORKS in Florida Next week!! We are AMAZED at the number of blog readers that have become a part of our IT WORKS FAMILY!!! We have seen SO MANY of your lives change FINANCIALLY and PHYSICALLY and love you all dearly!!

I  am most excited about The THURSDAY NIGHT PRAISE AND WORSHIP SERVICE at our IT WORKS conference!!! WARREN BARFIELD will be kicking it off. He is the guy who composed and sang the theme song from FIREPROOF!!!!!

We are rounding the corner of our first full year of public school. We have mixed emotions about that!! Praying to see where God leads our family next year in that realm.

Our oldest has been SO BRAVE since the loss of her husband Nov 12, 2012... She has a lot of big decisions to make as a 22 year old widow.. We are PRAISING THE LORD that THE CAPTAIN is no longer working and can be here to help her through this time. That we were able to JUMP on a plane with her the day after he died, then able to go RIGHT AWAY to Washington to be with his family and her... GOD KNEW.. HE KNEW we would NEED the Captain this year and we are SO BLESSED to have COMPLETE FREEDOM OF TIME through IT WORKS. Our oldest is also a Distributor and JUST quit her job days before her husband died to work her business full time while going to school...

We sat down as husband and wife on January 1 and made our yearly goals and also sat with the kids and listed THEIR dreams and goals for 2013!! DREAMING BIG!!! 

Let me just say this.. The Captain and I being together EVERY DAY ALL DAY has been SUCH A BLESSING!! Thank you Jesus for allowing us to work FULL TIME as a team, Honoring you, getting healthy and just being together has been THE BEST gift for me and our children in 2012!!! Never would have dreamed a year ago that it would be possible!! He's been home since August full time and WOW!!!!! just WOW!! GO GOD!!!

May your year be FULL, OVERFLOWING with Blessings!!!
