Wednesday, December 24, 2008


The CAPTAIN is NOT a spontaneous guy! I was just putting my ham pot pie in the oven when there was a knock on the door-6pm-ON CHRISTMAS EVE?? I'm not prepared for company although I DID double my recipe. To my surprise..THE UPS GUY! He delivered a "Pajama Gram". THIS IS SIGNIFICANT BECAUSE...sometimes our life with the kids is so chaotic I think The Captain doesn't listen or hear me (he probably thinks the same about me). A while ago we were snuggled on the couch watching the romantic FOX NEWS and a commercial for Pajama Grams came on. I said "those are so cute and what an easy gift for a guy to give, all you have to do is go on-line and they package it up real cute and all women LOVE pajamas." HE HEARD ME! I BAWLED LIKE A NEWBORN BABE! (the kids thought I was nuts wondering what was wrong)
Thank YOU LORD for The Captain and for all miracles you have given since the birth of your son. Oh the little things........Merry Christmas to you all!


cloudmaster said...

How wonderful!

Merry Christmas

Sherri James said...

What a cool idea for pjs! I hope you guys have a wonderful and blessed Christmas. Thank you for your blog comment :-)

In Christ,

Doug and Terrye said...

How precious! It's so exciting when our guys "get it!"

Terrye in FL

Unknown said...

Now that is a very romantic well thought out gift!

Way to go Captain!

Hugs and love,
Merry Christmas to you and your precious family!

Cheryl said...

How sweet! I love reading your blog! I hope we can come down and see Caty and everyone else too soon. The kids (especially Kylee) would love to see her! I hope you all have a Very Merry and Blessed Christmas!

creative gal said...

What a blessing. Merry Christmas to you all! What a great memory to have and I know those PJs are being worn tonight.

Shawnee said...

How awesome! What a wonderful blessing!! I love when our husband's listen to us and really hear what we talk to them about. I remembered the commercial but forgot about Pajama grams. Thanks for the reminder!
Merry Christmas