Friday, January 30, 2009

The Captain-SpUGGtacular!

Ever since we were in NYC a couple months ago, I have longed for some UGGS! They looked SO warm and comfy! But WAY over priced.

I know I am behind the times as many of you "BIG CITY GALS" have probably had them for years.

I was so excited to see the UPS guy today with a delivery for ME!

The Captain has gifted me with some UGGS! He's so thoughtful and generous. He told me it was part of my PAYCHECK for all the work I do and that I deserve them.

Not a need at all but a lame old want.
I will be wearing them to Wally World tonight to do my weekly shopping UGGSTRAVAGANZA before The Captain departs Sunday.

I love you Captain...You know UGGXACTLY what I need and when-Thank you for that.


Beth in NC said...

LOL ... I think they are beautiful (I don't have a pair either), but I am MOST impressed that you can bend over that far. You are certainly limber. lol


Unknown said...

LOL! to Beth's comment! I was kinda thinking the same thing LOL!

I LOVE MY UGGS! Scott gifted me UGG clogs this Christmas and I live in them! I have a few pair of UGGS that are over 5 yrs old. I LOVE THEM! Enjoy being cozy in them - remember you don't need socks. They are plenty warm barefoot! Every once in a while throw some foot powder on before you wear them!

When the insole gets warn you can order new ones! I have done that twice - they really are worth the price!

Love you sweet friend!
Enjoy UGGSTRAVAGANZA shopping!

trina said...

You crack me up!! LOL!!! Alexis got a pair of brown boots...(not ugg) and she was so happy...but I don't have a pair...yet. :) Very fun!! He's a good
Captain. :)

Kelly said...

YaY for you!!! What a great Captain!
Just for the record, I don't have a pair either, but with this weather, I could use them. ;) said...

What an awesome husband. Enjoy!

Bobbie-Jo said...

I was wondering how to turn myself upside down to see if that was really you.

I've just started reading your blog, and I mainly have a BLONDE Jen in my mind. (heehee)

Immeasurably More Mama said...

How sweet! You're a lucky girl!

Stacey said...

Avery's word that they learned in kid's church this week is Covet. I believe that is how i feel when I read your post. You're so lucky!!! LOVE the UGGS!! Maybe I'll leave your post open on my laptop and my hubby will read it :) You deserve them, you are such an incredible mommy and we all deserve a fun treat every now and then!!!

Jen said...

how cool. you go on with your Uggs.

Laura Marchant said...

I have to tell you I have been looking at those fondly lately too. A couple years ago they weren't that cute to I love um!

Amanda said...

What a fun (and very thoughtful) surprise!! Your Captian will surely be able to keep your toes toasty while he is aways:) They are very cool (or warm)! And the picture is too funny!

No Greater Gift Mom said...

That picture cracks me up!! Glad to see I'm not the only "crazy" mom!
I have been following your blog for a while and just love the heart you have. Thanks for being such an inspiration to so many!
In Him,

Cheryl said...

Awww...that was so sweet of him! I had no idea what UGGS were until I read your post...LOL Guess I'm even farther behind the times than you are...LOL!

Flamingo said...

uuug! i'm so jealous:)