Monday, January 12, 2009


Before I take a BLOGGY BREAK for a couple days to take my kiddos on a special "GETAWAY." I had 2 share 2 awesome things I won just this week!

1st, I got an email from Jonathan's mommy Amie aka "HH" my BSIC (bloggy sister in Christ) telling me that out of the BAZILLIONS of faithful readers she has at HEART SMILES-Jonathan drew out MY NAME with his sweet little hand and I won this BEAUTIFUL set of coasters made by this family as a fundraiser for their adoption of Darci in China. Amie & her SIL are also responsible for my Ding Dong addiction so in a way, I DID deserve these!I could have chosen a "non China" pattern but I wanted this pattern to particularly remind me of Amie and so many other moms I know and love who have adopted these beautiful children from China. See....God has placed THE SAME LOVE FOR THE ORPHAN in all of our hearts. Only He led us to different types of adoptions and even different countries. I think its SO AWESOME how HE places these desires and passions within us and we feel called to the least of these. When I look at these coasters, I will think of the children GLOBALLY that need mommy's and daddy's.

And 2nd drum roll please...... I WON MY VERY FIRST BLOG AWARD!

My new friend & BSIC-PAM at "You're Gonna Miss This" has bestowed upon me THE LEMONADE OUT OF LEMONS AWARD. This award means that she thinks that my blog has just the right amount of lemon and sugar to make a perfect summer treat!! And who couldn’t use a summer treat about now… in January…in the mid-west… this same award was given to someone who is showing gratitude or a good attitude ("if life hands you lemons, make lemonade") within their life or blog. THANKS PAM! We met because we had the same FABULOUS BLOG DESIGNERS :)

I am suppose to give this award out to another favorite blog-actually 10 but I just can't find the time to do 10 so I will do my favorite this week.

AND THE WINNER IS......ANGELA!! AT PHOENIX'S FIGHT! Angela makes the best out of her life. Her son Phoenix was born with Cystic Fibrosis and she is just an awesome example of TRUE making lemonade out of lemons-WARNING!!! PHOENIX'S EYES WILL CAPTIVATE YOU!!!

Have a blessed couple of days everyone and we will BLOG TO YOU when we get back!


Rhonda said...

Love the coasters Jen.

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Congratulations, BSIC!!! (:
Have a nice bloggy break!

Kelly said...

It's so nice to read when someone else gets it that God calls us and puts the desires in our hearts to care for orphans. People who don't feel it don't really understand how I feel about foster children. They just think I am weird and crazy. There are days when I have thought I am crazy and must be weird but then God reminds me of my calling and it makes it okay to be weird and crazy about foster kids. :)

Amie said...

You Rock sista friend!!! :) And so well said!!!. so very cool.

Congrats on the award too. I will check out your friends blog when I get a chance!


Jen said...

yeah for you!!!!

Nelly said...

Have a nice and safe trip!!!!