Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Ever since my parents put me on a plane alone at age 7 to visit my Uncle Jack in Colorado-I HAVE LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT TRAVELING!!!

Airplanes, Hotels and Shirley Temples WHO'D HAVE THOUGHT?

It's in my blood.
God obviously knows me well-after all he did hook me up with a pilot!

I WAS SO EXCITED YESTERDAY when The Captain called to tell me he would be released from flying for the day and would be spending the night just ONE HOUR away from our home! THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IN 5 YEAR WITH HIS COMPANY THIS HAS EVER HAPPENED.

SO, I quick packed up 6 kids, booked our room with his Hilton points, cancelled violin and piano lessons and headed out the door around 2:30pm. We got to The Embassy Suites, picked him up and headed out for an EARLY dinner.
(best bet with 6 rugrats)

We made it FAIRLY SANELY through a dinner at the Olive Garden with the bribery of the hotel pool at stake for any disobedience.


Who needs toys when the microwave's at TODDLER LEVEL??

ROOM SERVICE ANYONE? Serving WY WY ala cuteness!
All made it to the pool only one had a 5 minute time-0ut.I know it must be VERY DIFFICULT for The Captain to leave these darlings 14 days a month-I can't imagine how his heart must miss them. Although I guess I can because my heart aches for him when he is gone. And in less than 21 hours-we are home again and still missing our daddy-The Captain like crazy....


Beth in NC said...

That is so sweet! I'm glad you were given a chance to hit the road! It looks like you had a great time.


Stacey said...

how fun!!!! i love last minute trips like that too. they're so much fun. glad you got to have a fun family night!!

Staci Loalbo said...

that is too cute!!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

What fun!!! I just love this kind of spontaneity. (: The picture of the whole fam piled in the bed is SO cute!!!

Kelly said...

that is awesome!!! so glad you got some extra family time with the Captain.
Last minute (short) trips are the best sometimes. :)

bearhugs2u said...

What fun........wish I could have gone too! hee hee

Jess said...

Oh, that is so wonderful!!
How fun?

Adeye said...

Oh that is absolutely precious. I LOVE the picture on the bed :)

Created For His Glory said...

Yeah God!!!!

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

Awwww-I loved that post!! And what beautiful pictures!
Im so happy that you stopped by my blog, I can wait to read more at yours.
Nice to "meet" ya!

Anonymous said...

Birkenstocks totally count! They give you like 10 points whether you wear them or not! :) H

creative gal said...

Glad you had a chance to go out with the gang! :0)

Jen said...

How awesome. I want to go swimming in a hotel. Mmmm..... that gives me an idea.

Mary Ellen said...

That photo of everyone in the big bed is just so precious! What a wonderful treat for the whole family.

bethroller said...

That is SO freaking exciting! The next time you are in a hotel, will it just be you two???

I am very excited... for day one of my visit. HA!

Love you,

THE Stephanie said...

Looks like TONS of fun!! I'm sure the kids were so excited to see their daddy!!!

I'd like to order Wy Wy ala cuteness!! LOL