Saturday, February 14, 2009

Captain LOVE!

Our Valentine's morning started out with a card to each child with reasons "WHY WE LOVE THEM" written on the inside & candy for breakfast! They also opened cards from Grandma which containted $2! THANKS GRANDMA!

UM..notice the VS bag for me-yay me!
Usually The Captain leaves at the crack of dawn the day he goes back to work but today THE famous 70's Rock Band that he will be flying doesn't need to fly until later allowing The Captain to spend Valentine's morning with us-YAY!

He found my crafting of the pillow cases to be superb and came out of the bedroom wearing his CAPTAIN LOVE shirt which I could NOT RESIST purchasing at Wally World yesterday-SO HIM!

We will say BON VOYAGE to The Captain around noon after a lunch of pink heart shaped pancakes and then make some Valentine crafts, study about the history of Valentines Day, look up THE LOVE verses in the Bible!
Happy Valentines Day from our house to yours-
enjoy and treasure THE ONES YOU LOVE TODAY!


trina said...

I love the pillows! Very,very cute.

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

What a lovely day!

Mama in Uganda said...

What a day full of lovely little blessings!

Adeye said...

Oh the pillows came out great! I love it. Thanks for sharing your special day with us :)

Beth in NC said...

Those pillows were a neat idea. And Captain Love shirt ... hee hee.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Laura Marchant said...

So cute!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Tessa said...

What great Valentine's ideas! Thanks for sharing with us. I love how you "go all out" with celebrating - what fun!

Unknown said...

How precious Jenn!

Happy Valentine's Day to you and your adorable blessings!

The Capt. sure is a great guy and father!

Love and Hugs,

Barry and Amy said...

How sweet! Happy Valentines!

Anonymous said...

You guys are such amazing parents! What great ideas! Hope you had a wonderful time with Captain and the kids this morning! Happy Valentine's Day!