Friday, February 6, 2009

Ever Seen one of THESE????

Yesterday was a glorious day. 62 degrees in Kansas! It also happened to be our homeschool Valentine party! YES, it is early...WHY? One if the home school dad's is in Iraq so we made Valentines that will be sent out today and hopefully in Iraq by Valentine's Day for him and the other soldiers in his company.

Bit But was SUPER CLINGY and wanted to eat the glue as usual!

Agitated at me because I made him take his binky out for the pic..The girls were super proud of the Valentines they made! After we made our Valentines and had our valentine exchange, I headed to SONIC for a HAPPY HOUR cherry limeade mmmmm!

(from 2-4 every day Sonic drinks are 1/2 price)

Then we headed to the park to finish off our party!

The kids didn't even need a jacket-it was a beautiful day. We enjoyed cupcakes and juice at the park.


Legend says that a carnival came to town MANY years ago and some black squirrels escaped. They now live in our beautiful city park. If you look closely you can see the pink icing on the cupcake our little buddy is eating. One of my friends WHO WISHES TO REMAIN ANONYMOUS wanted a closer look and He also wanted to check her out too. We promised to take her for a rabies shot if he attacked her face! A GREAT PARTY WAS HAD BY ALL-SQUIRRELS AND HUMANS ALIKE! It is suppose to be 65 degrees today!
We are ALL anticipating The Captains arrival home today-he has farming on the brain & with this nice weather we will all be out doing farm work!
We've got fence to tear down on our new farm and terraces to put in and ground to work-YEE HAW I SAY!
Have a blessed weekend!


Staci Loalbo said...

i just love looking at your pictures of your babies, especially when they are all passed out in the car!! LOVE IT!!

Kelly said...

What a great idea to send the Valentines to Irag. We did that @ Christmas, with packages and cards.
WoW...60+ and we thought 40 was good. ;)
What a neat looking squirrel. So cool.
And I of course will start praying for Baby Cora. I am still reading her story. It breaks my heart. She and her family are now in my prayers. And I will pass the word along to some fellow friends and/or bloggers. Thanks for passing her story along to me.
Have a great week with the Captain and family.
And your give away winnings are in the mail TODAY!!! Sorry for the delay. (darn cold I have)

ASHLEY said...


Adeye said...

What gorgeous kiddos :)
Serious, a black squirrel? That is wild, I never knew they existed! Too funny.
Enjoy having your hubby home.

Laura Marchant said...

I have to giggle because I was thinking to myself what is happy hour at sonic and then you went and answered my question in the next sentence.

Shawnee said...

What a wonderful time!! I love your Valentines.What a great idea!! I love Sonic. They just opened them up here, last year. I got addicted to them when we lived in OKC. I love my Cherry Limeade. :) I hope you are having a blessed weekend. Enjoy your time with the Captain!


Beth in NC said...

So cute!!! That black squirrel was beautiful! We have gray squirrels here, but in the mountains we have beautiful fox squirrels that are as big as a cat!

I love your pics!

Jen said...

What a great party.

Elle said...

the kids all passed out are adorable! I'm envious of the warm weather...we had rain all day and the kids kept trying to escape out but their plans were foiled by the rain...yuck!
You and your energy to do all you do are amazing!


Flamingo said...

the black squirrel is amazing!

oh how i wish we had a sonic where i lived. that drink sounds really good!

Unknown said...


So fun!

We did something just like that yesterday!

I just adore spending time with you and your fun bunch!

Glad the Capt. is home! Enjoy time with him and the warm weather!

Hugs and love,

Kacey said...

SO much fun! It looks like the kids had a blast. Your family is gorgeous - I could just squeeze all of your little ones faces! :D I tried to run by Sonic yesterday with the dumplins and they are tearing ours down and rebuilding it. I really don't know what was wrong with the old looked fine to me & they always had my sweet tea!

jodilee0123 said...

We live in a very diverse neighborhood full of black squirrels AND white squirrels! There must have been lots of carnivals here!!!!! There are still many grey ones. . . but soon, I think they will be out numbered! :o)