Fighting for Isaiah means not only stress to this family's heart but also their finances.
This is how it works. Jen is a nurse and works Mon-Fri in KC & takes care of their 2 other children while her hubby Aaron stays with Isaiah and on the weekends-Aaron works while Jen is with Isaiah.
This is VERY EXPENSIVE with gas, food, lodging etc. After the transplant, one of them with have to live in Omaha with Isaiah for 6 months-for the second time! Remember, they've done this once already.
I'm asking you to pray and if you find it in your heart-please donate.
There are 2 ways to donate:
You can mail a tax deductible check to their church-write Isaiah in memo Address:
Lifestream Christian Church
136 East Main Street
Gardner, KS
Phone: 913-856-8088
Or you can join FIGHTING FOR ISAIAH on facebook and donate there! I've raised $300 in 1 day already-God is working!
I am so excited to be able to help this family-I hope you will find it in your heart to do the same! Visit Isaiah's blog if you have time! You can also help by passing this on to others! Give THANKS to THE LORD FOR HE IS GOOD!
What an adorable kid!
You have such a great heart, Jen.
Such a wonderful idea!
Having a problem trying to comment on their blog---blogger :( I'll keep trying. I know they can use all the encouragement they can get.
Standing with your friends!
Thanks for your sweet comment, Jen. I'm so with you---I can no longer keep silent! I just cannot. If there are consequences to our decision to disclose---well, we'll just deal with it!
Hey, Jen, I'm a pastor in Omaha, NE, and we often do hospital visits for out of town people. If this family needs in-person support or has an emergency and needs a hand in Omaha, please pass on my email & cell#, and 402-201-3361. Our church ladies would love the opportunity to drop off a prayer shawl for Isaiah or his family, too.
Praying for Isaiah and his family!
Jenn - I'm posting it now to help Isaiah!
God bless you for being a voice for this precious family and friends!
Hugs and love,
I can't even imagine what this family is going through. I will be praying!
Bless his heart!!! I will be praying. heading over to check his blog now. Thanks for sharing this. hugs~
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