As part of my winning her Pay It Forward, I agreed to hold my own Pay It Forward Give-Away. So there is no time like now to have it. The rules are as follows...
1. leave me a comment (bc WHO does not enjoy some comment love?) for ONE entry
2. link back to my give-away post on your own blog for a SECOND entry (but be sure to tell me you did so)
3. if you are a follower (or become a follower) of my blog you get a bonus THIRD entry. (bc I love checking out new blogs and making new friends along the way)
4. If you win the Pay It Forward give-away, you agree to host your own Pay It Forward give-away on your blog. I will be PAYING IT FORWARD with 2 of my favorite things I use to pamper myself!
Is that simple enough? This give-away will end March 7th at 11pm.
I have been given the "YOUR BLOG IS FABULOUS" Award by my new bloggy friend ANDREA at BETTER THAN GOOD. She has adopted from Ethiopia-LOVE HER!
Here are the rules of "Your Blog is Fabulous." I have to list/describe five addictions and then pass the award on to five others. Along with other's... I am not sure how addictions apply to being fabulous, but I guess rules are rules?Here TOP 5 addictions..
#1 Kids-some people collect figurines, I collect kids.
#2 BLOGGING-DUH..nuf said
#3 Coffee-can't FUNCTION without my coffee and FLAVORED CREAMER!
#4 Chocolate
#5 THE BEACH, I would live there if I could.
Now for my 5 bloggy friends to receive this award.
#1 AMY-MONSTER WRANGLER! Amy and her hubs who's a pastor are just embarking on their foster care journey-I just love her honesty!
#2 Jen-Inside Isaiah! For her courage to adopt Isaiah despite his medical issues-she followed the plan of Jesus and wasn't scared to obey him. Plus we've been BFF since we were kids
#3 Gayly at QUILT N MAMA! Another adoptive mom who just got home with a handsome man from China :) Love her sweet heart!
#4 Kelly at The Missing Piece! Kelly and her sweet fam are also just embarking on their foster care journey-she is a tough, sweet mom!
#5 Midwest MOMMY! Oh how she makes me laugh-HILARIOUS! Check out her stroganoff pics-what a crack up!
Awwww! Thank you SO much! That is so sweet of you!
Aw thanks! BG didn't think those were too funny but man I did :-)
How funny you just posted about this, as I just posted the Pay it Forward on my blog today too :)
Congrats on the new job! What an amazing blessing you are for children! Have a Happy Friday!!!!
I have never commented, but have "stalked" for awhile! You are an inspiration. May God continue to bless you and your beautiful family!
Congrats on the awards! Stop by and visit my blog sometime. :o)
Thanks my friend, very sweet of you. One of these days I'll get back to blogging on a more regular basis:) Thanks again!
hey there... this contest thing is fun. I like it. I think I shall particpate as well.. even if i don't win!
BTW Like your list. I fit right in with you...
take care,
What a wonderful idea. I'll pass on the give-away this time---give others a chance. Spread the love around a little, you know :)
Have a very blessed weekend.
Fun, fun! And I love your little gift...pens and notepads are right up my alley!
Hey Jen, I linked your post on my blog....I think I did it right...I've never done a link before, so I wasn't sure what I was doing...LOL
First time to your blog....I like it and who doesnt like gifts!!!! And congrats on your award! Sounds like from what Ive read you deserve lots of awards!!!! Im becoming a follower!
I love contests! Getting ready to hold one over on my blog starting this weekend too!!
I am on you follower list!
Awesome contest. Thanks.
I love your blog! I am trying to "catch up" with you in the kids department. :) Have four now. Am waiting for baby girl from Ethiopia and excited about adopting more in the future. You are an inspiration to all moms. Thanks for your blog!
Kristi from Texas
I think you already pay it forward every single day in your amazing household, but this is a terrific idea. Thanks for making me smile every day and God bless your gorgeous family.
Hey wonderful fun! :) I love reading your blog though I don't comment all the time I do check it on my followers list! :) I love the hope icon on the side bar :)
Noah and Celeste's mama (and the children of our hearts to come)
I would love to win!! I really enjoy your blog, so neat! Have a great day.
love and blessings form ga~erin
How fun is this??? I would love to win the pay it foward.
Everything about your blog is just beautiful! So glad I found it :)
Hi. I'd love to enter your pay it forward giveaway!
Amanda-Adopting Ean and Mila
Also - I just signed up to be a follower! :)
Amanda-Adopting Ean and Mila
Hi Jen :) I missed this earlier somehow in catching up on reading. How is your oldest doing since her hospital stay?
Praying for you!!
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