Monday, February 16, 2009

Toms and Pizza!

I only briefly got to talk to THE CAPTAIN late tonight & he was so tired so the details of the day didn't get shared. I am posting this info that may seem menial to you...For Him!

Woke up to the phone ringing (7:30am)-Our new Auger (farmin equipment) is in. I had 3 in bed with me when I awoke 1 boy-2 girls.

The boys have the sniffles and Wy Wy swears his nose is "bleedin" but I tell him its just runny boogers.

All my sweats are low-rise so anytime I sit-Bit But promptly STICKS HIS FINGER IN MY CRACK and screams "POO POO!" and then runs away laughing.

I taught about meters, kilometers and such to Mr. Smearfritz and about Jesus and Romans to "T".

The oldest dropped by for a visit & surprised me with a diet Dr. P-that was nice.

3:30-do I have time to take a quick shower (I really stunk), dress and load 6 littles by the time I need to leave for piano lessons at 3:45? SURE I DO-lock bedroom door, shower, dress-load em all up and head to piano-call chiropractor to tell her I'm on my way and guess what? She left early today-never happened before. HOW DARE HER? I SHOWERED FOR HER! I Needed my body/sanity fix! Bit Bit fell asleep in car.

4-5pm-got gas, washed car and sat in piano teachers driveway.

We usually eat RIGHT AT 5pm but tonight it was 6pm-THREW MY WHOLE NIGHT OFF! Bit But slept in the car (yes in the car) until 6:15-we were all done eating by the time I finally woke him up. I had the doors open to garage and window down in vehicle people-CHILL!

Came home & tried a GREAT new recipe for BBQ chicken pizza and I doubled it as I do ALL recipes for this tribe-YUMMERS! Cooking dinner without Bit But hanging on my leg was a BREEZIO!
Mr. Smearfritz and I LOVE Jalepenos so our part had JAPS on it!You probably notice in most of my photos where there is food..there are paper plates. Why? If I did dishes for all we go through I'd have 3 loads a day.
Paper plates make it so I only have to run the dishwasher once a day.
Bit But slept in the car (yes in the car) until 6:15-we were all done eating by the time I finally woke him up. I had the doors open to garage and window down in vehicle people-CHILL!
Aw-Bell LOVES having her pic taken-here she is with "T"-Pizza LOVE!
After supper and kids cleaned up, we watched Jon & Kate whom the little ones call "their guys" and they slowly drifted to bed by 9pm.
Bit But went at 10:30 due to his extended late nap.
Then I got on-line and got THESE SHOES that I have been wanting for a while. They are Toms Shoes. Toms saying is "ONE FOR ONE"-for every pair you buy-a child in need will also get a pair-GOOD STUFF. Then I went to GOBENA COFFEE and got some of their Coffee that supports orphans in ETHIOPIA, Zambia, Ukraine and India. I have their link also on my side bar.
I figure If I can't adopt a child in Ethiopia right now, I will do all I can to support the causes of the orphans there. I feel my heart & God's voice pulling me there. One day....I pray.....
WITH ALL OF THAT SAID...I am Going to BED-hey I made a rhyme!
And as I do, I will be DREAMING OF HIM........
And praising God for all the wonderful gifts I have been given & praying for those in need.
"You hear, oh Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed" Psalms 10:17-18


debi9kids said...

busy day :)

Love that you showered for nothing! UGH! Isn't that the way??? LOL

The pizza looked very yummy. Did i miss it? Did you post thr recipe?

Unknown said...

Just came across your blog. I really love your heart for adoption. My two are adopted and like you, it was a no-brainer since my cousin is adopted and we are very close.

I also watched your video and tears came to my eyes. What beautiful children and what a blessed mommy you are.

Unknown said...

Ok, you just made me seriously tired! And I have 8 children LOL!

Praying for you as the week goes on without the Capt. home!

Isn't a shower the best!!!! I live for mine too!

Love and hugs,

Mary Ellen said...

I love coming over here just to see what kind of a day you had. You are so busy, it makes me think my days are dull! It always seems like what your days are full of is love.

I hate showering for nothing! I've been known to quickly think of something else to do (visit someone, usually) so as not to waste all that clean!

Flamingo said...

i always love reading about how you do certain things..thanks for the paper plate tip.

so you aren't posting a recipe for the pizza??? c'mon...don't leave us hangin!

No Greater Gift Mom said...

Oh, I'm so jealous you got a shower! Yes, the pizza looks delicious. You must post the recipe. Hope you have a blessed week!
In Him,

trina said...

You crack me up!! The low riser details...LOL! The pizza...yummy. My 10 year old just walked by and saw your picture and said that you look like you have only been married 5 years. He wants to know how old you are. Cute,cute!

Adeye said...

Oh wow---I loved sharing a day in your life :) That was such a blessing to read. Don't you just love living a crazy life for the Lord????
Have a very blessed (and busy) day.

Pink Slippers said...

YOu kiddos must eat about as much as mine. My 8 year old can eat two 'manly' hamburgers. I can't wait to see what he can eat at 15. (yikes)

Tam said...

Wow how do you do it? I only have two and you amaze ME! MY Hubs is MIA around here for a few weeks.
I am a Military Wife but I do not blog about it at all...I may have already mentioned it before. For some reason my Husband is always away for Valentines is comical actually at this point in our relationship...LOL

HOPE your week is great!

The Andersons said...

Found your blog through Forever n Ever n Always - Jill. Love it - I'll be a frequent visitor. A DSS adoption is on our mind after we get through our Ethiopia adoption.

May God bless all your efforts. wow.

Angela :-) said...

I've been reading your blog since you were the 'family' of the month on AdoptUsKids. :-) We have one foster care, one private domestic & one (sibling) adoption from Ethiopia under our belts. Working on a sibling foster care adoption next.

Email me for my blog if you are interested. (arroller at q dot com)

Angela :-)

Unknown said...

You crack me up thanks for the ood laugh about the low risers. LOL. I have 7 kids and I use paper plates when I can for the same reason. I love that you post companies that help the orphans, I rather my money go for something like that then go to walmart. .......themommie

Tessa said...

Loved reading about a day in your life ... certainly never a dull moment, huh? The pizza looks great ... and love how you support so many causes while shopping! Thanks for the heads up on that!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Have you worked in a restaurant before? They call them "japs" in the kitchen. ;-)

That's how my hubby likes his pizza too.

Bobbie-Jo said...

Out of my 6 kids (ages 3-10) I make the oldest three help wash dishes. We have no dishwasher (it broke) and we just couldn't afford all those paper plates. Not too mention, we leave a big enough environmental footprint with our MOTORHEAD lifestyle, I try cut down on extras like that.

Let me say, though, some days the girls HATE washing dishes and have no qualms about filling me in! I figure it builds character!