Then to THE DREADED WALLY WORLD! They ALL begged to go in, so in we went. What was I thinking? Just picture THE DYSFUNCTIONAL BRADY BUNCH in your head. That's what people probably thought when they saw us. WHY? I broke all of my "taking my kids out in public rules." Here are the VIOLATIONS-
- Cowboy boots with sweats (what on earth?)
- My girls hair not put up to my standards and 1 even had her hair down(gasp)
- No ones hair combed
- All in not matching clothes
- Bit Buts shirt so short his baby muffin top was out...
- Dried up, crusty boogers on the nose
- Frosting caked on faces from cinnamon rolls this a.m.
That's just to name a few. They were all very well behaved. I ran into 2 friends-OF COURSE-just what you hope DOESN'T happen when you take your unkempt tribe out.
We looked at the FISH for about 30 minutes and then Wy Wy spotted this...
Ever since Wy Wy and Bit But moved in their big boy room and big boy beds-we have been searching for cute, affordable bedding for their beds. WHICH IS TOUGH because it was already painted as a guest room and the bunk beds are blue. One side has animals on it and the other side is a forest-ADORABLE.
It came with comforter, acorn & animal paw print sheets, pillow case & pillow sham all for $45 a set. CHA CHING! And, it's all made out of organic cotton-BONUS! Plus it DOES have some John Deere Green on it-whoopee!! With a large family-we are ALWAYS looking for a bargain!
Of course they had to JUMP RIGHT IN and try it out.Isn't it SO CUTE???
So today I thank God & Wally World for the entertainment, the bedding and THE JOHN DEERE GREEN GOGURTS!