Saturday, May 30, 2009

All this for $5!!!!!

We've had some EXCITING (probably not to you all) stuff going on at the farm this week.

1st-our friend-(I call him our oldest adopted son that AIN'T LEGAL) brought THIS for the kids to see....They honked the horn, rolled the windows up and down, played with the controls, compressor-rolled around on the bed and climbed in and out SEVERAL TIMES for about an hour! Here's Bean on the bed! More spacious that I would have thought. My favorite part by far... THE BLING on the controls!Everyone but MyMy-she was too shy to get in until the very end.Wy Wy made my day with these "weeds" he brought me-just look at that smile! Notice anything else "odd" in this picture? That's right, he's got gold rings on his arms-NAPKIN RINGS TO BE EXACT. He says these rings "MAKE ME STRONG LIKE SAMPSON." He's had them on for several days now along with the SPIDEY hat.When you live in the country-SOMEONE has to grate the roads. So, when The Captain saw the grater out yesterday, he asked him to make a couple passes down our drive to smooth it out. The kids were INTRIGUED.

MORE FREE ENTERTAINMENT..WHAT A DEAL!After treating the driver to a bottle of water and a chat-he was off.
And we got a nice smooth driveway out of the deal!Of course, It HAD to be tested for smoothness by WyWy.We took the 6 littles to SONIC last night for their $1 Candy Sundaes. We spent $5 and gave them all a sweet treat! Notice I said $5 for 6 littles? One of the littles got in trouble and didn't get a SONIC treat... BUMMER. Guess why?
This particular little got into the fridge and proceeded to open their mouth and poor Hershey's syrup into said mouth and gulp gulp, gulp it down while The Captain & I were outside mowing-the bummer in it was, they just weren't smart enough to check their face after for evidence.... BUSTED!!!!!!
All this Entertainment for just $5 with a BONUS CHERRY ON TOP!
It's going to be 92 degrees in OZ today so we are heading to the pool for the first time this year-YIPPEE! Hope you all have a GREAT, BLESSED weekend!

Monday, May 25, 2009

SURPRISE! (for The Captain)

This is the medicine/COLLECT ALL CLUTTER CABINET after most of the stuff was removed. For those of you that DON'T KNOW...THE CAPTAIN HATES CLUTTER!

He also has a difficult time knowing what medicine is for WHAT AILMENT.

He rarely takes medicine. He's a big, strong tough farmer/pilot, HOG rider after all. HE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN MEDICINE!

It seems like every time I'm gone he either needs medicine for himself or the kids and doesn't know where to find it.


This is the cabinet "POST RE-VAMP."

I used 5 things to re-organize.

  • 3 sets 3 plastic yellow baskets=$3 total

  • red ribbon with white polka dots I had on hand

  • cut up index cards

  • bright colored Sharpies
  • hole punch
I put all items needed for each particular ailment together. The Captain gives the bandaids away like candy.

FOR ME, I MUST SEE DRIPPING BLOOD to give away one of these expensive PUPPIES!I kept singing ALL THE Antacid, diarrhea, cough, cold stuffy head fever commercials as I was cleaning. I had some medicines that expired in 1999! In the cabinet next door that was just basically CLUSTERFIED,

I put ALL play-doh, pre-school craft supplies I don't want eaten, books I don't want destroyed and pre-school games.AHHH THAT FELT GOOD, wonder what I'll re-vamp tomorrow!
I almost forgot to show you my MEMORIAL DAY PRESENT from BIT BUT...

Miss you honey, can't wait til you get home!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Farm Randomness....

Don't you know waffles taste better with a DO RAG, flame swim trunks and a Helmet on?Our wheat looks phenomenal this year! It is done heading out and is now in the flowering stage.

As I gaze at this wheat in my hand-I am amazed at God's goodness & intricate design of all living things.A view from the field to our house-nothing like WHEAT in your backyard!The Captain got himself a new farm vehicle. This will come in handy for spraying chemicals and getting back and forth from the field to home.
He can drive/fly ANYTHING! The Captain & Wy Wy getting ready to race. Anything for another good reason to HOLD ON TIGHT to The Captain.SUMMER (black) and RAINBOW (white) our chickens have been relocated outside to the kids play house! Not NEARLY as cute as when they were chicks huh?
They should be producing eggs in 2-3 months THAT IS IF the dogs don't figure out how to break in to their new house & do away with them before then. I can tell they are already formulating a plan.
We placed flowers on the graves of The Captains uncles and grandparents yesterday. Bean is touched that his birthday is the same as The Cap's uncle Clif-the uncle who lived here on the farm before us. God knew what he was doing-Clif would have loved all the kids & been amazed at the addition of his house. The cemetery is in a beautiful location. Surrounded by fields full of crops, a gravel road in the middle of the country. The place where The Captain and I's earthly bodies will also be laid to rest one day.
The Captain LOVES the name "OTTO." His grandfather's name..Aw-Bell-our sweet animal lover! Karmy-our Saint Bernard is WONDERFUL with the 6 littles.Mr. Pitto our first cat on the farm 7 years ago-9 lives and then some. He LOVES the new table by the front door. He is the ONLY cat our dogs allow to run freely on the farm-they terrorize the rest. Mr. Pitto-terrorizes them.
Guess whats on his mind?
"Those chickens are MINE!!"

Saturday, May 16, 2009

CHAPS 101!

Twas a chilly day on the farm.... TOO WET to plant the remaining soybeans.
So, The Captain and I rounded up 2 last minute bbsitters and decided to get on the HOG and RIDE! With a high of 65 was a day when I needed these...MY LEATHERS PEEPS.

In my life PRE-CAPTAIN, I would have NEVER imagined or FATHOMED myself ever owning a pair of chaps. In fact, I would have been down right REPULSED at the suggestion. BUT, the CAPTAIN has a power over me like no other.

These PUPS are NOT the easiest to get in either. Thank GOD for my large family or I never would get em on.

For me, THIGH EXTENSION CHAPS ARE A MUST. Larger thighs inherited at birth. Aren't they groovy? Sits right on the inner thigh for thigh breathation.You must unzip and unsnap both sides before you pour yourself into them.
Notice WYWY's winter gloves? HAD THOSE ON for 3 days now-oh the stank!
WyWy's thought: "IS MAMA EVER GONNA SQUEEZE IN THOSE BAD BOYS?"Time to sit down, suck it in and try to zip up the legs....."you can do it MAMA!"How many kids does it take to get mommy into these? "How are we gonna do this guys?"Thanks to Bean's help-MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! (notice Bit But?)
Last step, get boots on, earplugs in, helmet, shades, gloves & jacket on.
Motorcycle NECESSITIES-In my jacket-IPOD, clinique lipgloss, cash, gum, camera, ibuprofen & cell phone.

We had a nice ride. It was a benefit poker run for Tyler Rieth a 5 year old boy who aspirated and died. The money raised will go to 2 other area children with heart problems. You stop at several places and each one you get a card to add to your poker hand. Best and worst hands win money. We only went to 3 stops before we felt the pull of the six littles.

We met a VERY KIND lady named "DO DA" YES, that is her name. Both her body & Her bike were colorfully decorated with flowers & hearts and a scarf. She was so welcoming. We knew noone else on the ride except for meeting her.

THEN, we ran into our VERY FIRST SOCIAL worker at the first stop-Tyler was her cousin. We reminised about the DAY SHE DELIVERED 2 DAY OLD MY MY to our house-her first foster baby delivery ever and our first foster baby to be received.
We stopped by Dollar General on our way home and got each of the 6 littles a "treasure." SIX BUCKS WELL SPENT!
It was just enough time away to reconnect with The Captain.
I'm STILL SMILING at the thought of cuddling on the bike with The CAPTAIN!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I left the house at 6:30am yesterday and got home at 8:15pm-babysitting gets expensive with those hours and 6 kids. I was EXHAUSTED physically and emotionally when I got home.

My first stop for the day was to meet with a fellow blogger BEKI. Is she gorgeous or what??? Her little man came a long too and we chatted over breakfast at Braum's. Just 2 moms brought together by blogging-that ROCKS! After breakfast, we set out to do what I wanted to come do.... Remember baby CORA? Taken to be with Jesus after a short 3 week battle with cancer. I don't know baby Cora, I don't know her family. BUT IT AFFECTED ME.Beki offered to take me here-to the future site of CORA'S PLAYGROUND. We had some emotional moments and I got tearful many times..over a baby I never knew. We were blessed to chat with the woman in charge of the project who said over $40,000 had been raised so far and all the equipment was already ordered to include a princess castle! THANK YOU SO MUCH BEKI for taking the time out to take me.Then it was on to Wichita to speak at a "substance abuse during pregnancy" workshop. I changed from my capris and T into my standard grey suit, pink shirt and lucky 5 inch heels (which I can't walk in). I'm sure my "PEOPLE" get tired of seeing the same old outfit at EVERY conference!Every time I speak, I get emotional, I can't help it. I am so THANKFUL that MY PERSON-CC was there along with my persons PERSON-LS and a special attorney SC who despite my babbling are ALWAYS in the audience supporting me! Thanks ladies. I also had another special guest. My cousin Sarah came also and we had a great snack & chat at CHIPOLTE afterwards.
I shared my faith as I always do and one guy in the audience asked me how people usually "react" to this. I told him that I spoke in front of a few hundred at the national conference and didn't get ANY negative feedback on the comment cards. Then I shared one of my favorite scriptures with the crowd

"Learn to do good; Seek justice,Reprove the ruthless, Defend the cause of the orphan!" Isaiah 1:17

Another gal told me what a blessing I was afterwards and said "I'm so glad you shared your faith." I said "How could I not? God has given so much to me and if I have a platform, it's my job to talk about HIM! The one who has blessed us OVER AND OVER."

It was a 4 hour drive home after and I was SO HAPPY to see my littles! Felt like I had been gone forever!