Twas a chilly day on the farm.... TOO WET to plant the remaining soybeans. So, The Captain and I rounded up 2 last minute bbsitters and decided to get on the HOG and RIDE! With a high of 65 was a day when I needed these...MY LEATHERS PEEPS. 
In my life PRE-CAPTAIN, I would have NEVER imagined or FATHOMED myself ever owning a pair of chaps. In fact, I would have been down right REPULSED at the suggestion. BUT, the CAPTAIN has a power over me like no other.
These PUPS are NOT the easiest to get in either. Thank GOD for my large family or I never would get em on. 
For me, THIGH EXTENSION CHAPS ARE A MUST. Larger thighs inherited at birth. Aren't they groovy? Sits right on the inner thigh for thigh breathation.
You must unzip and unsnap both sides before you pour yourself into them.Notice WYWY's winter gloves? HAD THOSE ON for 3 days now-oh the stank!WyWy's thought: "IS MAMA EVER GONNA SQUEEZE IN THOSE BAD BOYS?"
Time to sit down, suck it in and try to zip up the legs....."you can do it MAMA!"
How many kids does it take to get mommy into these? "How are we gonna do this guys?"
Thanks to Bean's help-MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! (notice Bit But?)
Last step, get boots on, earplugs in, helmet, shades, gloves & jacket on. Motorcycle NECESSITIES-In my jacket-IPOD, clinique lipgloss, cash, gum, camera, ibuprofen & cell phone.
We had a nice ride. It was a benefit poker run for Tyler Rieth a 5 year old boy who aspirated and died. The money raised will go to 2 other area children with heart problems. You stop at several places and each one you get a card to add to your poker hand. Best and worst hands win money. We only went to 3 stops before we felt the pull of the six littles.We met a VERY KIND lady named "DO DA" YES, that is her name. Both her body & Her bike were colorfully decorated with flowers & hearts and a scarf. She was so welcoming. We knew noone else on the ride except for meeting her. THEN, we ran into our VERY FIRST SOCIAL worker at the first stop-Tyler was her cousin. We reminised about the DAY SHE DELIVERED 2 DAY OLD MY MY to our house-her first foster baby delivery ever and our first foster baby to be received.
We stopped by Dollar General on our way home and got each of the 6 littles a "treasure." SIX BUCKS WELL SPENT!
It was just enough time away to reconnect with The Captain.
I'm STILL SMILING at the thought of cuddling on the bike with The CAPTAIN!