Tuesday, May 12, 2009


That the following 5 people were in FOSTER CARE?

This sweet angel-came into the system because her mom took drugs while she was pregnant and she was born with a high content of methamphetamine and other drugs in her system. The older of these 2-ME had a young, unmarried birth mother that did the best thing possible for me & gave me up for adoption. I spent 4 months in foster care before my parents adopted me.

The younger gal in the picture "T" came into the system and spent 2 years there while her birth father was in prison for manufacturing methamphetamine. Her birth mom had no way to financially support her so she sacrificed her 2 children so they could be taken care of.Bean has the same story as "T". Spent 2 years in foster care and joined our family at age 5.Aw-Bell-born the 7th child to her meth addicted mother. Came to us at birth with a dangerously high content of methamphetamine in her system. Never really had a shot at going home. She spent almost a year here as a foster child before we were blessed with being able to adopt her. Did you know? That May is National Foster Care Month?
There are SO MANY things you can do to help the more than 490,000 kids in the U.S. foster care system.

CLICK HERE to find out how you can help in just a few minutes, hours or more.

SOMEONE needs to stand up for some of these kids like they did for ME!
I'm asking you to pray about it, see where God is leading you in the foster care area. It is a difficult yet rewarding experience. It's emotional-anything worth doing usually is.
Take a minute go to ADOPT US KIDS. LOOK AT THEIR FACES-There are over 3,600 kids waiting RIGHT NOW to be adopted and you could be the right family for one of them!
GO HERE to join AdoptUSKIDS facebook page.


The Anglin Family said...

I am waiting to become approved to become a foster parent. Almost done with my classes. We are wanting to adopt a precious little girl. I happened to come over to you via Kellys Korner kitchens last week and have been following ya since! Your kids are beautiful kids! You and your husband have been very blessed! :) I have been wanting to adopt a child in foster care for several years and we have just been sitting back and praying and one day it just hit us, that we had to do it now! You are an amazing woman!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome post.

Unknown said...

BIG HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are such an awesome advocate for the voiceless!

We are going to the National Adoption banquet tomorrow night in Philly!

Pray for our hearts to be open to whatever God shows us!

Lots of love,

Pink Slippers said...

I was looking at one site that had an 8 year old for adoption and it just broke my heart. I have a son who just turned 9, I could not imagine what that little guy is going through waiting and living with his Mom until then. Your children are beautiful regardless of there womb care. Amazing how God protected and provided for them. What a testimony for them to share with others when they are older.

Pink Slippers said...

Is foster care the same as private adoption?

Sarah said...

We would jump at the chance to foster, but serve on the mission field. They are starting foster care through the Christian churches in our country, so maybe this is an open door. My mom worked our should I say fought for children in foster care her entire career. Thank you for opening your home and your hearts to these precious little ones.

Hugs from Costa Rica,
Sarah Dawn

Laura Marchant said...

Awesome! You are truly inspiring!

MyLinda said...

Great post! We would love to adopt one or two more little ones, we are just waiting for God to show us "our babies".

trina said...

Thanking Him for your amazing heart. You have such a beautiful family!!!

Mary Ellen said...

God has indeed blessed your family. Thank you for being such an amazing advocate for foster care and adoption. Let's keep on spreading the love around!

Shonni said...

It is so important that others hear these children's stories and may by more people will get involved in advocating for them!

Adeye said...

Great post, sweet friend. Does the Word not COMMAND us ALL to take care of the orphans?????

It's a non-negotiable thing, for me.

quilt'n-mama said...

What an awesome post, but more so what beautiful blessings for your family! Thanks for being so willing to share your story and to stand up for the least of these! What amazing gifts each of our children are no matter how God brought them to our families!

Cheryl said...

You truly are an inspiration...just wish "L" would go for adopting a couple more...but he's made it very clear, he doesn't want any more kids :o( I am hoping to get back into fostering in a few years though...I think he'll go for that :o)

Shawnee said...

Thank you for being an inspiration!! Praying for you!

anya* said...

Thanks for sharing your heart in this post! We have adopted a sibling group of three out of the foster care system, (ages 10,7,2)- and God has been there every scary step of the way. People thought we were crazy when we signed up for foster care classes when I still had a nursing infant- but God provides in beautiful ways. We were sick of 'talking about doing it' and realized there would never be a perfect time- that right now was indeed a perfect time.

Children need homes and forever families. When you boil it down, it really isn't as complicated as we try and make it.