Friday, January 20, 2012


Started out the morning of day 19 with a 2 mile jog/walk around the campground and back and forth on the fishing bridge. There is just nothing like smelling that fresh sea air, watching the fisherman hard at work and soaking in all GOD'S CREATION! Snapped a pic of this pelican as I trotted by! Waking up to 70 degree weather each day makes it MUCH EASIER for both The Captain and I to MOTIVATE to get out and get moving! We take TONS of walks each day all over the campground (in the background of this pic).

We did our school work, ate lunch and headed to... YEP YOU GUESSED IT... THE POOL :)
The Captain got me this virgin pina colada topped with whipped cream!
Almost as sweet as the sleeping babe on my shoulder.

Some of the boys hanging by the hot tub. SO FUN to meet new friends! 

And all the girls using their snorkeling masks and gear in the pool.

We spent about 4 1/2 hours there today.
Plenty of time for lots of naps..

We had supper and headed to the campgrounds S'MORE NIGHT!
WE LOVE FREE! And all headed down for one. 

Truthfully, we have had them EVERY.SINGLE.NIGHT since we have been on our trip. 
Surely all that sun while I lay by the pool each day will help MELT all of that chocolate and marshmallow AWAY RIGHT? 

We ended our night by putting Lolli to sleep, putting a movie on for the kiddos and sitting in the lawn chairs outside the RV talking and sharing this yumminess as we destressed! 

We love to sit outside and watch the other RV's pull in and talk to EVERY single person that walks by. The majority of the people here are older/retired and very friendly.

A sweet lady came up to us tonight and wanted to tell us how well behaved our kids are. I told her "you don't see what happens when the RV door closes". LOL. It is SO NICE and encouraging to hear as we feel like we are pretty loud and obnoxious to be around with the size of our clan at times. God knows just when to send the right people along to encourage you!

HARD TO BELIEVE only one more week here... By this time next week we will be driving home. SAD FACE!!! It has just been an awesome trip! I will check in with you all tomorrow!


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