Sunday, January 15, 2012

Big OL RV TRIP Day 3 & 4

We boon docked (slept and parked) in the West Memphis Wally World lot on night 2.
We woke, ate breakfast, orange shirted it and headed here..
The Captain and I have both always wanted to visit Graceland.

We bought our tickets, got in line and got headsets on & rode the bus across the street..

Each headset was for 2 people so we all had a partner. The recorded headset was cool. It told you all about Elvis and Graceland. You could also turn it off if you didn't want to listen but it walked you through his home room by room..pretty cool.

My favorite room was the room he had for his parents. VERY TIDY purple and white.

My next favorite spot was the JUNGLE ROOM where this HUGE chair that Lisa Marie used to love along with teddy bear and guitar. Super cool.

The piano that he played on just hours before his death...

Paying our respects..He would have been 77 on January 8th.
He never drank or smoked but it was those darn prescription drugs that got him.

The lady that drove our bus told us that she would literally drag her kids to Graceland EVERY DAY and scream and cry at the gate for him.  She did this until her kids were teens (when they would hide on the floor board of the car from embarressment). She said her husband never minded her pining for Elvis. SO BIZARRE~ She was dead serious LOL!

We grabbed a quick bite in the RV for lunch and headed to Adamsville, TN to fullfill one of The Captains desires. His mom took him to see the first Walking Tall movie when he was a young kid and he never forgot SHERIFF BUFORD PUSSER.

We enjoyed a short movie and tour of his home before...

Getting the privilege of holding his BIG STICK!!

A proud moment for THE CAPTAIN to hold the actual stick held by the Sheriff.

After the second museum we made our way to another Wally World in Tennessee (I forgot) to spend night #3.

The next morning we drove and our destination was GEORGIA to meet with some friends.
On the way we stopped at a park to let the kids play a bit.
I snapped this picture of our little LOLLIPOP and had to share!

The evening of day 4 we ended up at our friends home in Georgia. Here are some of the kids and the dads chatting. We GOT SPOILED here! Had a FULL supper waiting for us!

Here I am with my friend "J"! AKA Martha Stewart!
We have a lot in common. Besides being the mothers to 15 children altogether & homeschooling...we have both adopted children from the same birth mother. The Captain & I have 3 birth siblings to their adopted daughter. Nick and I have met T & J before but our children have never met so it was a very special trip! 

The kids put on plays and dressed up.

Here are the 4 precious blessings that connect our families.
God has blessed us all with one another~! SUCH A SPECIAL VISIT! 

All the kiddos but our baby LOLLI! LOVE IT!

We laid our heads to sleep in their driveway that night in our big house on wheels pondering the preciousness of life, of adoption and of the wonderful people God plants in our lives!

Tomorrows post...VERY FISHY!!!!

1 comment:

Renata said...

So glad you were able to spend time with your friends!
What a wonderful holiday!