Saturday, January 14, 2012

BIG OL RV TRIP Days 1 & 2

After installing a state of the art camera activated security system, stopping the mail and employing about 7 pit bulls to guard the farm...

The 7 YoungUns were Ready to ROLL on the BIG OL RV TRIP! 

Lunch on the roll-DAY 1! 

They were SO EXCITED to watch Cars 2 on the way to our first stop...
St. Louis! 

YOU KNOW we didn't get more than a couple hours away without a problem.
Here is our new BFF with THE ONE and ONLY PART to fix our broken toilet!
GOD IS GOOD-all we needed was 1! We were only delayed for about an hour and we are thankful it was a swift fix!

We were suppose to meet up with friends the first night but one of their kids got sick so we didn't get to. We boon docked in a Wally World parking lot just outside St. Louis and were ready in the morning to go up in this..Something the kids have always wanted to do! 

After donning our ORANGE SHIRTS, The Captain did our daily VACA DEVO and we were OFF!!

One of my favorite pic-kids running up the stairs to The Arch! 

My car/bubble/elevator full on the way up! 

Our TRIBE at the TOP! 

After coming down we REALLY enjoyed the museum.
TONS of history about Lewis and Clark, Indians and much more.
We learned a LOT! 

THE ORANGE SHIRTS really did help us keep our eye on the kids! 

The Captain acting as our "double stroller" on the walk back...

We enjoyed lunch in the RV and headed on to our next stop for the night!

It was a lovely visit and NOT CROWDED at all~!

I am SO THANKFUL to finally be able to have internet where we are now. I have already written this blog post once and some how deleted the entire thing UGH! I had to go take a walk to cool off, I was almost bawling! I am still trying to get used to this laptop and writing blog posts without a mouse. So if my posts don't look the best, I apologize, hopefully I'll get the hang of it!

I am so blessed that our trip has gone so smoothly! TIME HAS BEEN FLYING! We have packed in a TON!!

Can't wait to tell you about days 3 & 4 tomorrow!


We have met 3 wonderful families already this trip. 2 who read my blog and 1 that has adopted a birth sibling to 3 of our kids! GOD IS GOOD! ALL THE TIME!
We are just having a blast bonding and loving on our kids and YES we are doing school work too.


Michelle said...

Wow! I would love to take our children on a trip like this. We camp every weekend in the summer but have never take a trip with the RV. Many prayers for a safe & happy trip!

Alicia_B said...

Looks so fun! I love the Arch - I am originally from there and your post made me miss it! Makes me want to plan a trip there soon.

Renata said...

It is lovely to be able to read about your holiday ~ looks like so much fun!
I hope the rest of your trip goes well ( are you still on it?)!
So glad you were able to get the needed part ~ I can only imagine how painful it would be without it.
Have a wonderful time

Jen said...

Si glad you had fun and enjoyed the museum!!!
