Thursday, March 6, 2014

Homeward BOUND! Iced In in Nashville!!!!

We left Disney's Fort Wilderness on February 28th. 
We stopped for lunch at a Rest Area
We were running behind AS ALWAYS HA HA
Our goal was to make it to my friend Vanessa's house by 4pm.

We got there at 8pm.
Got the RV all parked and settled in and 
We were greeted with a FULL MEXICAN SPREAD of Street Tacos.
All of the kiddos had a BLAST!!!!

Making memories with friends is PRICELESS!

After we ate, we headed up the street to our friend Ronda and Ray's house for a quick visit! The Captain and Ray get along SWIMMINGLY!!!  They are both "REWIRED" Wrappers!

God brought Ronda, Vanessa and I together through THIS CRAZY WRAP THING!
We laughed till we peed, shared a glass of wine and enjoyed each other for a couple hours.

Vanessa is a STRONG WOMAN!
Her husband is a Major in the Army serving in Afghanistan right now.
He will be home one week in June and then their entire family of 5 will head to Korea for 2 years. Strange to think that this may be the last time I see her for years.
She does an unbelievable job of handling EVERYTHING while her hubby is away.
She was the lady who drove 3 hours to watch our sick kids when we attended our Son-In-Law Matt's Memorial Service. She has a loving, giving heart and I am SO thankful for her friendship!

We spent 15 hours in Atlanta and then it was ON TO Murfreesboro, TN!
We enjoyed WONDERFUL FELLOWSHIP with My friend Gretchen's Family!!
We ate some YUMMY BBQ!
12 kiddos under one roof just having a GREAT TIME!!!!

Then it was time to GET OUR TRAINING ON with Gretchen's BIG TEAM in Tennessee!
She has grown SO QUICKLY with 64 Distributors on her team in just a few months!
She just snagged a $10,000 bonus and will be getting a $15,000 bonus this month!
This business has CHANGED HER LIFE!!! God brought us together through this blog! She has four bio kids and two adopted precious ones. We are truly like SISTERS! It is SO CRAZY! I am SO THANKFUL for her Sisterhood and friendship! It is such a BLESSING to see her life change physically and financially through THESE CRAZY WRAPS!

The Captain trained on how a guy gets involved int he biz and what his role is!
I LOVE watching him lead!

This is our whole team of Wrap Stars that attended training!! THESE WOMEN are going to CHANGE SOME LIVES and see their lives changed very quickly!! I was almost in tears as we went around the room and they all shared how the products have already changed their lives! THE GREENS were the #1 topic! I heard everything from helping insomia, lupus, migraines, restless leg, giving lots of energy, weight loss and so much more! SO MUCH happens when our bodies are in an ALKALINE and Detoxified state!!!

We said goodbye LATE into the night as the kids played and we charted out the course of some of the girls businesses!  That's when we CHECKED THE WEATHER and realized that leaving the next day was NOT going to happen. We Boondocked in a Wal-Mart parking lot, stocked the RV with all the necessary supplies and decided to hole up in Nashville for a couple of days until Winter Storm Titan blew over! It was COLD in Nashville! COLD!

It was SO FUN to just snuggle in for 2 days! We watched church via the web and made Grilled Cheese, tomato soup, burned a beachy smelling candle and watched some new movies! Nick practiced his banjo. It was some good down time after going strong the last few days!

We headed out Tuesday morning for my parents house in KS! I LOVE LOVE LOVE listening to motivational speakers and leadership material. Caty and Brendan chose to ride with me the entire 11 hours! Caty sat in the back watching movies with her headphones on while Brendan and I listened to music and LOTS of motivational speakers! His favorite was John Maxwell!!  You are NEVER TOO YOUNG to start working on YOU!

We ate dinner with both sets of our parents and The Captain did a little banjo concert!
They were IMPRESSED! Especially my dad who is a former Band teacher!
Here he is with his Dad looking on :)

We got up and hung with my parents for the morning and got a surprise visit from my Dad's brother Daryl! SO MUCH FUN!! His daughter, my cousin Sarah is a leader with It Works Also!

We left for home around 1pm.
It Snowed on the way home.
Our housekeeper came a few days after we left for FL.
It was SO NICE to come home to a SPOTLESS HOUSE! 

I missed VERY FEW things about our House. One thing I did miss was our bathtub! You can't take a bath in an RV!! As soon as dinner was done, we had a NICE LONG BATH! We pondered what we would do different next winter. One thing is STAYING LONGER!! We both agreed that we came home too soon. We had such a BEAUTIFUL and WONDERFUL time living as Snowbirds. The memories, friendships and fun our kids had are irreplaceable. We thank our God for allowing us to LIVE THE DREAM with our kids. 

We are busy getting unpacked, organized, getting back into a routine and planning our next RV Trip in June!!!  


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