Thursday, April 3, 2014

Moms Making THOUSANDS!!!

GOD WAS SO GOOD TO SO MANY Mamas on my team in March!

I am STILL in tears over this last month and how many lives are changed. I'm in AWE of GOD's GOODNESS!

My friend Keri is also an adoptive Mama! She is SUCH A BLESSING to me and so many on our team! She has the sweetest, gentlest spirit and is a HARD WORKER!
Her hubby Nick is a Chiropractor and THEY earned the $10,000 BONUS!

Samantha is a FIRECRACKER!! One of my favorite sweet Southern Baptist new Teammates! She lost over 80 pounds in the last year and is Mom to 2 beautiful kiddos! She has been on our team for just THREE MONTHS before snagging her $10,000 Bonus!

Meet Kelli! She's a SWEETHEART!! She is a substitute teacher. She joined our team in October of 2013. In August 2013 she got diagnosed with an AUTO IMMUNE disorder. Our products particularly our GREENS have CHANGED HER LIFE and HEALTH AND she's $10,000 RICHER!

And then there's my PRECIOUS FRIEND GRETCHEN that I met through this CRAZY BLOG!

Now one of my BFF's!! We are like sisters!! She earned a total of $25,000 in the last two months! She is a full time kindergarten teacher and BUSY MAMA to 6!  And she's NOT STOPPING THERE, She's JUST GETTING STARTED!!! AHH!! SO LIFE CHANGING for this sweet family! I thank God for her daily!!

Lisa is a SINGLE MOM to these two precious girlies!!
She also snagged herself a $15,000 bonus. This business enables her to be there with her girls ALWAYS! Something I wish I had when my oldest was young. CONGRATS LISA!!

Shannon another sweet HARD WORKER on my team also just became $15,000 richer!
I love her heart and determination! A busy Mom to 2!

These are just a FEW of the Moms ON MY PERSONAL TEAM who got these bonuses. There are HUNDREDS MORE who got $10,000, $15,000, $25,000, $50,000 and $75,000 bonuses! 

If you are AT ALL INTERESTED in learning More, Please Pray about it and Nick and I would LOVE to talk to you about it. We do conference calls with people DAILY who are ready to MAKE A CHANGE and go for that $10,000 BONUS!!!! 785-562-7651  

We are looking for Distributors in AUSTRALIA, SPAIN, PUERTO RICO, FRANCE and the UK

It's $99. We spend $99 on a tank of GAS or on junk at Wal-Mart!!
 Why not spend it on a life changing decision!! 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Weekend to Remember!!

That's my word for this past weekend.

I had always wanted to attend A WEEKEND TO REMEMBER Marriage seminar. A lot of my friends had been to them and RAVED about them. So about a week before it was in Kansas City, I googled it. and BOOM, it was to be in KC the next weekend!! I called Grandma and Papa to see if they could keep the tribe and they had NOTHING PLANNED!! What a blessing! So, I bought the tickets, booked the hotel and then told The Captain we were going! HA HA He's such a good sport! He will do anything for me! LOVE THAT MAN!! We got all the kiddies settled in at my parents and headed out!! I LOVE THIS PIC!!

I didn't really know what to expect but the weekend was FULL of us talking ONE ON ONE with NO interruptions about a TON of stuff we had wanted to talk about but never had time!! 

We learned how to fight healthier, be more patient with our kids and SO MUCH MORE!! We learned that despite the fact that our kids say "EW" they love it when we hug and kiss in front of them so the affection level is NOW ON STEROIDS!!

We ate LOTS of good food. Kansas City BBQ is THE BEST!

Every Meal was a date but on this night we ate Fondue at THE MELTING POT!! 

The Chocolate Fondue was the best!!! 
The Meat, not so much..


We wrote LOVE LETTERS to each other and RENEWED OUR VOWS!

They encouraged us to say them again in front of our family when we got home and let the kids sign our Marriage Covenant and witness it! 

SO, I'm planning a little wedding.
The kids are SO EXCITED!! They are ALL IN IT HA HA 

It was WONDERFUL to get home to our kids REFRESHED, RENEWED, ROMANCIFIED and REDEDICATED to each other and them as Better Parents. We are SO IN LOVE and I love that. The Captain is GOD's GIFT to me and I am forever grateful.

If I'm around, Blake can't fall asleep without her hands in my hair.
It's the sweetest thing ever.. EVER!

Bottom line, you need this. Whether you've been married a month or 50+ years, there is one in your neighborhood. GET THERE!!! You can even gift them as wedding gifts or send your pastor or someone in the military for free :)

TRULY a Weekend to Remember!
