Some how PBJ is SO MUCH MORE CLASSY while being made with an apron on!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The Gift of JOHN DEERE anything=Awesomeness!The Gift of CHRISTMAS CANDY=Those 5 extra pounds needed before Jan 1
The GIFT of the "I NEED COFFEE" PAJAMAGRAM=The Captain HEARS ME!The Gift of the GOOD OL' RUBIK'S CUBE=Hours of entertainment!
The gift of the "Kiss The Cook" and Santa APRON=The Captain STILL hears me although white with 7 kids isn't the smartest color choice :)The Gift of The knock-off Chanel purse from our NYC trip=ECSTATICITY (is that a word?) from The OLDEST!The gift of the $5 bouncy ball=lots of loud bouncing but guaranteed naps!
Thank you Jesus for all our gifts this CHRISTMAS!
Santa ON A DIME!
I always make a detailed list of EVERYTHING I BUY and keep things fair. I am thankful that Victoria has now been promoted to "ELF" so she can help me with my shopping and keep a secret! This year I bought ALL practical gifts-no junk with a bunch of pieces that will merely be destroyed and/or lost in a matter of minutes with this TRIBE! GO SANTA GO I SAY!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wii Wii! Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Although daddy-The Captain will not be home to celebrate with us until Friday & we miss him like crazy....We are thankful-thankful we have a daddy, a healthy daddy, a daddy who will eventually be home to celebrate with us God willing. A daddy who is not in Iraq, or in a hospital bed or already in heaven. I know women and children in all 3 of these circumstances this Christmas. But.... WE ARE MOST THANKFUL FOR OUR HEAVENLY FATHER. NO matter what happens-HE will always be there for us. Being without our earthly dad this Christmas is no big deal in comparison to being without our Lord and Savior.
"I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty!" 2 Corinthians 6:18
Dear Captain,
You and my 7 kids are the best gifts EVER! I want to thank you for joining me on our lifes journey together. Who would have thought 5 years ago we would have 7 kids? God is so cool-He knew the whole time-He's got a great sense of humor! I really miss you and am anxiously awaiting the feel of your strong arms around me. I just want you and the world to know-you are it, the love of my life, my partner and best friend! We can do anything together with God's help especially after having 4 babies at once, anything else has to be a breeze right? I know you probably really miss the kids-especially when you see other families traveling together on Christmas. Your job has to be hard being away from them and your home every other week. I appreciate you, I appreciate the wonderful provider you are for our family! Your children adore you and so does their mommy! Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
How do I shop with The Captain gone? Usually I don't but I hired a babysitter for 5 of the littles while the 6th came with me to push the ALWAYS NEEDED second cart!
Sweet dreams! We are going to sleep hoping to wake up to lots of the white stuff! Blessings to you all! Captain/Daddy we miss you. Mommy's really tired after having to sleep with Bit But in his single bed last night. My body aches. We love you! Wish you were here!
Monday, December 22, 2008
God's Timing=My Sanity!
My My-my little dolly requesting I take a photo of her "doing the splits" was the start of my restoration- priceless.Cristi (my person) and Maren REALLY were the main contributors to the return from my PTTD (post traumatic trip disorder) which I was suffering from last night. The main ingredient in this cure was ADULT CONVERSATION! Cristi & Maren drove over 2 hours total to come and visit me-it meant so much ladies-My heart thanks you! Ingredient #2 DONUT HOLES! Since my kids were babies, Each time Cristi visits, she bestows the gift of the donut hole on them. See, we don't have a donut shop anywhere close so this is a HUGE blessing for the kids. NOTE TO THE DONUT HOLE LADY..NEXT TIME BRING MORE DONUT HOLES :)
Getting mail makes me happy! Getting pictures and cards from those that God has blessed us with as friends and family is pure beauty! Our Christmas "wall of fame" has grown tremendously over the past week. The most exciting part is seeing the addition of the children God has gifted to our family and friends this year! Also, those who have joined our family through marriage-looking at this wall just plain makes my entire body SMILE!