Sure The Captain could go alone and pick everything up with much less hassle BUT we love each other & we love to be together. It's worth all the work & stress. Family time is SO IMPORTANT.
4:45pm-left house-immediately inserted TINKERBELL for the kids to watch.
5:00pm-arrived "in town" to get gas. I Ran into Wal-Mart to buy juice TIP I must buy ALL SUPPLIES for 7 days before The Captain leaves each week-I have this down to a science. We ran out of juice RIGHT as he was pulling in the driveway :)
5:15pm-got to our friends house who we borrowed a trailer from-hooked it up
5:30pm-headed out for THE BIG CITY. 13 degrees. TIP-I like to catch up on any magazine reading while The Captain is driving-tonight-I read my People and chatted with The Captain-good stuff.
6:15pm-Arrived at McDonald's-Bean and I ran in and got all the food to include:
1-20 piece nugget-split between all 6 kids
3-large fries for all to share
1-chicken wrap (for me)
1-Big n tasty (Captain)
1-diet Dr P (Captain)
3-waters (me, bean, T)
6:30pm-I dole out the food-TIP-I always get extra small fry bags and split their food into these I put 2 nuggets and a bunch of fries so they can hold their own bag and make less mess. They love having their own separate bags. Movie #2 goes in-DORA.
7:30pm-The Captain drops us off at the front door of Menard's and within minutes they have the USUAL fight over who gets which car. 7:33pm-WyWy having meltdown on the floor because he wants the yellow car. 7:40pm-Captain is inside and he takes the boys to the lumber department and I take the girls in search of a large, heavy, thick door mat for porch-never found it.
8:15pm-We have everything we need, we have to go around back to pick up our 116 pieces of 14 ft. lumber-meantime I buy some NIBS to bribe the kids later and some chocolate covered peanuts and water for my own sanity in the car.
8:30pm-The Captain pulls up to front door to pick us up-TIP we do this because carrying 6 coats inside is cumbersome and for long car rides the coats are too hot and bulky. It's much easier to quickly load/unload right at the front door than have 6 kids stumbling through a busy parking lot after spending another 30 minutes putting their coats on.
8:40pm-We head to the back to pick up our lumber. Movie #3 goes in SPIRIT. This took almost an hour. The pallet of wood we got had damaged pieces in it so they had to take the whole thing apart and take the damaged ones out then replace them with new ones. Tip-that's what I bought the candy for :) Kept them quiet for a while.
9:20pm-The Captain and Menard's dude FINALLY loaded lumber on trailer. The Captain gave BIT BUT a quick diaper change before we headed out. TIP during all the time in the car I am popping choc covered peanuts secretly like a mad woman.10:00pm-SPIRIT over. TV off, time for mom to sing some lullaby's. They start dropping off one by one.....10:30pm-Home, unloaded all 6 sleeping children and junk from the car. Diapers on the 4 littles and tucked them all in bed. Another Road trip down...
WoW...I am impressed. (portable dvd players=GREAT invention!!! ;)
Can not wait to see what exactly you are doing with all the supplies you bought.
Enjoy your week with The Captain and family. :)
Wow! What an awesome set up you've got!
Love the pics, and thanks for the tips. I had not figured out how to do McDonald's yet, love the small fry bag idea!
Looks like you guys have things down to a science! Enjoy the weekend with Captain and the kids!
I was so cracking up at this!! You and the Captain are awesome!! I love choc peanuts, I think I would've eaten them all as a reward for myself-heehee! Notes taken, so scientific. The only bad thing is of course, unloading!!!
HA HA HA! Love the sleeping children picture!
You two are a hoot! So glad the Capt. is home!
Love and hugs,
Hehehe....Jill took my word...I was gonna say "What a hoot!"...LOL You do have it down to a science! We have a DVD player too....what a wonderful invention!! :o)
I am so impressed!!! I can get stressed with one toddler. Bless you dear!
You are doing a great job!
wow! love it.. gonna send to some of my friends with little ones... you got the sciecne down!
I found your blog while looking at Flamingo Mama's blog. You have a beautiful family. I really enjoyed reading through your post. If you would like to visit my blog (though it does not compare to yours) here is the link
Candy... good parenting! You got to do what you got to do sometimes! :) H
your story sounded so familiar and brought back so many memories. I am a mom of 7 also but my youngest one is now 9 and my older 4 are now adults so life isn't quite so hectic, well most of the time, LOL.......themommie
Love it! I should document one of our raod trips to the city--you would be astounded at the driving conditions of a third world capitol city! Our kids are on top of the trooper list--they rarely, if ever, complain. We do everything as a family and love it, too :-) I am so grieved in my heart when people look cross eyed at us--but we pray that our love for being with one another will lead people straight to Jesus!
Oh I so can relate! Super funny!
CAn you go to my blog and leave your email address? I have a question for you.
that is very good to know. I like the hints about the food. I am going to try it.
I think that is awesome! I love that you all went with The Captain. It's important to cherish those moments.
I loved reading about your adventure. We loved Spirit. It was a great film. Have you seen "Horton Hears a Who?" That's another good car film.
that is a great post. never underestimate the importance of a DVD player. our DVD player in my car decided to quit working last week. we're leaving for FL on THursday and are taking my car. Needless to say, we have an appointment at the dealership in an hour to have a new DVD player insalled. Yep, it is THAT important!!!!! let me know when I get to get you guys a great deal at Disney!!!! I think we have scored some free tickets too.... :)
LOVED that you posted your Road Trip for all of us to SHARE! YOU do better with LOTS of KIDDOS than I do with just TWO! KUDDOS TO YOU WOMAN! I bow to you because you truly are my hero!!! Did I mention that I really do Love your blog!
You amaze me...I could not imagine doing that!
I just wanted to pop over here and let you know that Mark at Home Studios is actually working on a pendant for large families. I asked him to make one for me, esp since there are a lot of us out here :)
So, i will let you know when it's ready :)
PS Your shopping extraviganza sounds quite familiar ;)
Positively inspirational! Sounds like you have it down to a well-oiled machine.
Love the dole out of food into the fry older son came up with that idea for my little one!
Terrye in FL
Quick the last pic is Bit But's arm out of his sleeve? B/c my 2 yr old does that ALL the time!!! I thought that was pretty cute :)
Love all the tips. You guys are amazing!!
by the way...i would love to know what kind of vehicle you drive. is there a way to avoid the conversion van with this many kiddos? if so, please share your secret::)
Laughing through the whole thing. you are so me... or I am so you... LOL... we forgo the jackets and just do pick up and drop off at the door. we also get the 10 piece nugget meal and split it between me and the boys. we bring the DVD player on long road trips too... I take one every day. 2 hours in the car delivering newspapers... but we don't watch a movie every day.. only once in awhile.
As I said before: You are my hero. I can't beleive you!! Seriously! I love my mind going to Target with my 9 yr old and 5 yr old! Does that make me a horrible mother?? LOL And the pic of them all crashed out - priceless.
You're amazing!
I love the last pic with a little off the shoulder action on one of your little sleepers! One of my little guys has been getting an arm out of his shirt quite frequently lately! So cute!
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