Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Country Roads...

Once all was said and done with school today. The Captain called from the west coast WITH HIS CAPTAIN WEATHER ALERT to tell me it was 62 degrees outside-I AM CLUELESS of what goes on outside my 4 walls at times. Imagine that!

I promptly jacketed, shoed and rushed the 6 littles out the door to bask in the sunshine! As I watched them RUSH down our road-filled with FREEDOM and ENERGY, The first thing that came to my fairly twisted mind was good ol' JOHN DENVER'S song....

Country Roads, Take me home, to the place...I BELONG!!!
At the end of our road is a creek or "CRICK" as the kids call it. They have gotten MUCH JOY over the years throwing rocks in the creek.
There was no technology, tv, or money involved in the joy we experienced today.It was still somewhat frozen today and so Wy Wy thought he could crack it with this small boulder :) Our Saint Bernard-Karmy got warm today-the kids LOVED watching her swim in the icy waters. Notice all the little rocks around her.After about 30 minutes of throwing rocks, it was time to head home.."Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children are a REWARD from him." Psalm 127:3
Days like today make me so THANKFUL for my 7 rewards.
We miss you captain daddy!

PS- I am having my first giveaway coming up soon STAY TUNED!!!


Laura Marchant said...

Oh how fun! It makes me want to live where ever it is you live.

Barry and Amy said...

So sweet! I grew up down the road from a creek and threw rocks in it frequently. I love how children enjoy such simple things. So sweet.

Tessa said...

Looks like so much fun! I love the simple life too. I also love how your hubby called to tell you what the weather was like outside. So cute!

Adeye said...

Warm weather---JOY to my heart (please send some to freezing cold CO)! I'm getting desperate :)

I love that scripture---in The Message (in the same scripture) it says that children are His BEST GIFTS! Isn't that the truth?

Gorgeous pics of your precious ones.

Tonya said...

Awww, a mama after my own heart. I LOVE taking walks down our country roads! And throwing rocks in the crick is the BEST!

And like you, I never know what the weather is unless I happen to catch the news..otherwise I stay in the house, with the heat up wishing for warm weather and probably missing out of it. LOL

Kristin said...

Precious! You are such a great mom!

Nelly said...

Ahh My sister lives on a farm and I used to jog on roads like that. Send some of that warmness to GI Neb!

Unknown said...

Jenn, those are favorite kind of days too! Looks like a delightful time and the dog BRRRRR!

Love you,

quilt'n-mama said...

We headed out to our friend's ranch yesterday as well to enjoy the weather! We climbed down in the box canyons, watched the cattle and found rocks. It was SO WARM! But out here, the wind was blowing like crazy. We had a blast on our adventure too- looks your kiddos did too! Hope the rest of your day was blessed with your rewards!

HappyAutisticMama said...

I just started reading your blog (got it off of someone's blogroll, but I can't remember who) and I love it! Such joy! Makes me want to be a kid again and gives me ideas of things to do with my little one as he gets older.

bearhugs2u said...

What on earth could you be giving away???? Kids??? No, I know you better than that. You must have got all this kid craziness from your Mom!!!? I shall await my giveaway gift...know I will win...ha Great pics of my precious grands!

Pink Slippers said...

What a perfect road to take off and run on. They can have such fun just running alone. then add all that other fun. Wonderful!

Jen said...

that was a great day. I must say that I am a little jealous. Oh warm weather, please, please come our way.

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

What a beautiful day with the kids!!

Is that you in your avatar with all the arms? ;-)

I have secret (not so secret anymore I guess!) plans to issue a blogger challenge soon that involves turning off the computer and tv for one day a week. :) This is right up my alley!

Flamingo said...

holy cow girl! that is some serious country road going on! love it! yea..it would be quite difficult find CVS deals there!