Friday, February 20, 2009


Here are the 2 Jens...Me and my childhood friend-Jen.

My family calls her "OJ" (the other Jen). We have been blessed to be friends since we were about 3 years old. We've both adopted children. Jen is a nurse.

After feeling the call of God-She adopted a boy that was a foster child on her patient load with severe medical problems. He is now 6. This was the first time I was blessed to meet her son Isaiah. A TRUE JOY! A miracle. He also was exposed to many drugs just like my littles in the womb. He has endured much suffering since birth.Isaiah was born with all his "insides" on the outside. Here he is with Aw-Bell as a baby. He calls the 4 babies "his babies." Because of his problems...He needed a small bowel transplant. He's never really eaten or enjoyed eating food-he is mostly tube fed.

Jen and her hubby and other 2 kids took turns staying with Isaiah-sacrificing "self" for this sweet child. He has been in and out of the hospital for years. They thought the transplant worked......It didn't.......
Jen called yesterday to tell me that they had to remove ALL his new was destroyed. She has asked for prayer for her family. Isaiah is in unbearable pain and I'm sure Jen is too......of a different kind. The mommy kind-the kind I pray I never have to face.

If he makes it through...He will be listed for another transplant immediately.

Because of Jen and Aaron.....Isaiah KNOWS JESUS!! Praise the Lord for that.
As soon as The Captain heard-HE TOLD ME-"you are going to be with her"-He is such a wonderful husband. SO, As soon as THE CAPTAIN rolls in at 6pm CST, I will be rolling out to 5th floor ICU at The University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, spend the night holding, praying with and spending time with my dear friend and her boy.
Please join with me in prayer for my dear friend and her only boy. I don't even think Jen knows what a blog is but I HAVE SEEN the bloggy community come together in situations where prayers need to be lifted up-GOD DOES MIRACULOUS THINGS through these crazy computers.
Pray I'll know what to say & that whatever I say will comfort her. Pray that Isaiah's suffering will cease.

I don't know when I will return yet or check my blog again but will you help me spread this prayer for Isaiah? Thank you friends!

"O Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief." Psalm 143:1


Kelly said...

Bless you. Be safe.
I will say a prayer for you on your trip and visit. And I will put Isaiah in my prayers along with his family.
And I will post this on my blog as well.

ASHLEY said...

Praying for this precious little boy!

Barry and Amy said...


What a sweet boy. I pray God does a miracle!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Praying for God to move in MIGHTY ways!

Pink Slippers said...

I love the fact that through the blogging community so many more prayers get lifted up. I will be praying for the little guy.
I hope the parents get held responsible for what they do to the babies inside their tummies.
It is HORRIBLE if there is no consequence.

Unknown said...

Jenn - praying with you! What a precious miracle indeed!

Praying God fills you with all the words of comfort and peace Jenn needs right now!

Blessings and love,

Shawnee said...

I will spread the word. We will be praying for Isaiah, too. I am believing for a miracle. :)


Kim said...

What a privilege to come along side and pray for you, Isaiah and Jenn.

dainsgals said...

Oh Jen You have to be one of the strongest caring person I have ever known. I only wish someday that I could meet you. You are in my prayers as you head on your journey to help a dear friend and her sweet son Isaiah. I know and have lived with the result of prayer. GOD is amazing. Prayers are with you all.

jodilee0123 said...

Thank you for being there for her. I don't think any words will be needed--you just being there will mean the world to her. I will keep you all in my thoughts and my prayers. Love love love! said...


Safe journeys.


Mom Of Many said...

I just wanted to stop by and thank you for being a friend. I am reading all the comments listed on the day I wrote about the fire and yours comes up first. I love that you live in a log home - so sweet! Your kids are beautiful!

Hugs and love from Colorado,

creative gal said...


RaizenBoyz said...

I am praying for this sweetie too!

Beth in NC said...

I want to cry. I'll be praying. He looks so healthy (other than the hospital picture). God bless this innocent child.

Cheryl said...

I'll be praying for dear Isaiah and his family and also for you! Have a safe trip and return trip.

Anonymous said...

I will keep you and Jen and Isaiah in my prayers. A Mom that I used to go to church with had a baby boy born with the same abdominal issues. He is now 14 years old and in great shape.

quilt'n-mama said...

Praying for everyone involved! What a great God we serve, I know his hand is in everything and H e is present in this time for pain. I hope your trip was safe to Neb. and we'll be praying!

Amy said...

Praying!!! Amy

Flamingo said...

i can't imagine. there have been so many stories like this around the adoption world lately and it just breaks my heart. it does make me focus on the blessings that i have. i will pray.

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

I prayed immediately and twittered this post to spread the word and the prayers- BTW- you are a good friend!

Morgan said...

How very sad. I prayed for Isaiah and his family too.

Elle said...

you got it. Prayers headed your
(and this sweet family's)way

Adeye said...

Thank you for letting us all know of your friends need! My goodness---time to PRAY! My heart cannot imagine being in that situation. Please know that we are praying for you, Jen and Isaiah. Trusting that the HEALER will breathe life and health into every area of his little body. Praying that God is going to turn this around and use it for His Glory!!!

Jenni said...

Prayers on the way for Isaiah...

C.C. and Double T said...

Praying and asking my readers to do the same.

Tessa said...

Another miraculous story of God's love poured out on His children. I will be praying for this sweet boy .. and your husband is so sweet to insist you go and be with your friend ... praying for a miracle!