Thursday, February 19, 2009


Scared out of my mind....That's what I was 4 years ago when I got the call about MyMy-our first foster baby. Born into some "very rough" even "deplorable" circumstances-AND exposed to methamphetamines and marijuana in the womb. Could I handle a "drug baby?" "What if she had to go home-back to her birth family?" God knew...

The Captain was out of town and I couldn't get ahold of him so I told the social worker "YES, we will take her." I WAS A NERVOUS WRECK!

I had just a few hours to gather ALL things needed for a newborn. Several friends rose to the occasion and helped us out instantly.

We had spaghetti that night..We (The oldest, bean, T and I) were eating when the car drove up. It was the social workers first delivery of a foster child since starting her first job out of college.

This is how she came to us..In the below photo are ALL the worldly possessions she had. A pink blanket and hat, a diaper and a t-shirt.
I asked the social worker "Are you going to stay with me?" She said "No, I have to go home and get supper for my husband." ARE YOU SERIOUS? You just drop her off and expect me to know what to do with a newborn? I haven't had one in 15 years.

She was loved instantly by all of us...ESPECIALLY the oldest..
Daddy got home later that night and I don't think he put her down for days!! The joy this girl has brought into our lives has been phenomenal!Her adoption was finalized just short of her first birthday!She has become a little violinist-something she most likely would not have done if God would not have saved her life that day 4 years ago.Happy 4th Birthday our princess-little MY MY who has become a beautiful young girl right before our eyes.
Most people say "Oh, you have saved those kids." NO...Thank you MY MY for helping "SAVE US!" And for the MANY blessings your life has brought us.

"The Lord will keep you from all harm-he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and your going now and forevermore." Psalms 121:7-8

Don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY by 11pm Friday!


Andrea said...

What a beautiful little lady! Happy birthday my my~ ;o)

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Happy Birthday, My-My!!! What a sweet girl and a HUGE blessing to your family. I love hearing stories like hers and D's...God is faithful!!!

RaizenBoyz said...

Pretty baby, pretty girl. You are sooo lucky!!!

Pink Slippers said...

That is a GREAT post.
She is so innocent and precious.
I'm so HAPPY you were able to adopt her and not send her back to whatever was there before.

Unknown said...

Oh Jenn - I love her story and what a testimony she carries for the rest of her life! What a blessing from God! Your family warms my heart so much!

Love and hugs - Happy Birthday precious My My!

Adeye said...

That totally brought tears to my eyes. You are so right--the joy they bring is sooooo much more than us taking them in. Oh, the amazing-ness of it. My heart cannot comprehend the incredible way God works things out.
You are blessed with such a sweet little princess. She is adorable! Thanks for sharing your journey.

Cheryl said...

She is such a pretty girl! Happy Birthday My-My! You are truly blessed! :o)

Jen said...

She is so beautiful! God surely knew what he was doing.

Sally's World said...

What a lovely blog, it warmed my heart, happy birthday to a beautiful little princess, and love to all of you.

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...


Hope her day is just as beautiful as she is!

ASHLEY said...

what a bautiful post and young lady!!!

trina said...

What a precious little baby she was. Sweet and so pretty.

Stacey said...

Happy birthday, sweet girl!!!! What a great story, thanks so much for sharing!!

debi9kids said...

Yes! This is an awesome post and are you ever right! they save us, not us saving them!
Just beautiful!
Happy Happy Birthday to your pretty girl!

Nelly said...

Happy Birthday pretty Girl!!! Our girls were or first placements and they just drove up and droped them off and left. They saved me too.

Shell in your Pocket said...

What a wonderful child and "post"!
-sandy toe

El said...

oh my goodness this made me cry!! I am so excited to be starting on my journey.

Whittaker Woman said...

Love the story... at first I thought you had a baby dropped of last night! :) Love it! H

Jenni said...

She is just gorgeous and what a wonderful story! Happy 4th birthday!

bearhugs2u said...

Happy birthday little princess!! We have loved you from the start..such a sweet personality God has given you...everyone can't help but love you.....We thank God that he brought you into our lives. May you have many years to show that smile to all your meet. Enjoy your party tomorrow and that pretty butterfly cake your Mommy made.

Flamingo said...

she is so cute!!

Lori Inman said...

She's adorable!

Answer to your question: hep A, polio, meningitis, typhoid (oral). we opted not to get hep B (yet) or yellow fever. we were already up to date on MMR and tetanus.

tiarastantrums said...

Oh - I have to tell you - I LOVE this post! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!

My husband and I were just talking about whether we should sign up to be foster parents . . .

Amie said...

Happy Birthday to a Beautiful Girl! Loved the story! What a Blessing!!


MyLinda said...

Happy Birthday to a beautiful girl!

What a touching story of how God united this very special baby girl with the family that she was meant to have! I too agree that the kids save us, we don't save the kids!

Morgan said...

All of your children are so beautifull!!! I would have NEVER known that any of them were drug babies from looking at the pictures!

To think that she came to you with so little and now has been blessed so much- and you as well for having her in your life. How sweet♥

The Pyrat Family said...

Praise God! what a beautiful baby and a beautiful girl! thank you for sharing your story.

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Oh she's so beautiful!

What a blessing.

Anonymous said...

She is beyond precious. I am so moved by her story.

Tessa said...

Happy belated Birthday My My! I am catching up on some blog reading and loved reading her story and how she came to live with you. Wow ... such an inspiration!