Here's what my bedroom floor looks like right now! The Dr. gave us the "all clear" to go on vacation yesterday-YAY! The Captain and all the kids are packed, but my suitcase is still empty! I need to get moving! I am too busy downloading songs to my IPOD for the trip. And now, I've got "the funk" the kids had UGH!We are checking 4 suitcases and then taking 6 backpacks! Notice the "PEOPLE" I splurged and bought myself on the floor in the pic? The Captain says "you actually think you'll have time to read that on the plane?" OF COURSE! I am confident that all the kids will be good and sit COMPLETELY STILL in their seats!
I made the 6 littles each their own "QUIET BAG." They are a surprise I will reveal ON THE AIRPLANE and not before! All things I am hoping will keep them quiet in the airplane. I put their name on the front & snacks and lots of things to do inside so they won't get bored. I found these great magnetic dolls at Dollar General for $1 with magnetized clothes and all-darling!
I will be putting the 6 littles to bed in the clothes they are wearing tomorrow. I LOVE color coordination when we travel! All of us will be wearing brown except The Captain. He will be wearing this shirt I got at a homeschool conference from Family Man Ministries. Todd Wilson aka "FAMILY MAN" and his wife travel in an RV with their 8 kids to all kinds of conferences. He is HILARIOUS!

We are leaving home at 5am and flying non-stop (the only way to fly with this tribe) & will be on the Florida beach by noon!
The Captain & I agree that one of the closest places to God for us, is the ocean-where you can see God's magnificent creation ALL AROUND!