This is my first official giveaway! It's in honor of my 104th post! Seems like yesterday when I had NO CLUE what a blog even was! LOVE the blogging community! God has lead SO MANY friends to me! I've been SO EXCITED and anxiously awaiting this little gift below to give to one of faithful or sporadic bloggy readers! Isn't it boxed so adorably? It will be a surprise to the winner!
My new friend Beki-has the most adorable stuff! She just made me this necklace and I LOVE IT! It's reversible-she also made the winners surprise!There are only 2 requirements for this giveaway. THEY'RE EASY!#1 You must leave a comment on this post by Friday, Feb 20th at 11pm.
#2 You must promise to share the following quotes/facts with 2 people....
Every 10 seconds, one person dies of AIDS and another 2 are infected. A total of 3 million people die each year from AIDS. This staggering number has been compared to 20 fully loaded Boeing 747 airplanes crashing every single day for an entire year.
"WILL American Christians stand by as an entire continent dies?" ---Bono from U2
Halfway around the world..there is a little boy or girl who is desperately in need of your compassion.
Less than 3 percent of evangelical Christians said they would help a Christian organization minister to an AIDS orphan.
"In the poor we meet Jesus in HIS most distressing disguises."--Mother Theresa
"You can throw up your hands in despair (about the sheer numbers of children suffering)...OR you can roll up your sleeves and get to work."-Larry Jones, co-founder-Feed The Children
How do we get our arms around 15 million children orphaned by AIDS? It is not impossible. There are 350,000 Evangelical churches in America. If every church in America sponsored 42 African AIDS orphans, we literally could SAVE THEIR LIVES!
"THE HIV/AIDS pandemic is the greatest opportunity for the Church to be the Church. It is time for us to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who need compassion." -----------------RICK WARREN
* There are 4.8 million orphans in Ethiopia.
- " In 2005, Ethiopia had 1,563,000 AIDS orphans, the second-highest concentration of such children in the world; and 4,414,000 orphans from all causes, the second-highest number in the world."
Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody -- I think that is a much greater hunger -- a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat. ~Mother Teresa
Isaiah 1:17 says, “Learn to do good; seek justice, reprove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, plead for the widow.” God is commanding us to care for the orphan!
“Whoever receives a child in My name, receives Me.” Matthew 18:5
There are NO unwanted children in the world, satan wants them ALL.
No, you can't "save the world" but you CAN make a difference in the life of one child that will last for generations. Bringing the love of Jesus to even ONE of the least of these-it's what Jesus would want.-ME(Jen)
"Though it makes things tighter for us in this king size bed, our home, our vehicle, as well as our wallet, the little pressure we may feel does not even compare to the pressure these little ones are experiencing. I figure if I ever make a mistake in over-indulging this is a good one to make." --John Loux (friend adopting 2 special needs kids from Ukraine as I type)
What are you willing to suffer for the sake of a child?
Got ya thinking huh? Good luck on the GIVEAWAY!