Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sushi-MIA, Farmin', Birthday-STUCK!

My My enjoyed her 4th BUTTERFLY party with her friends to include a butterfly cake (yes, I made it) and pinata! Then last Sunday, we were blessed to have both sets of grandparents come up to the farm. Here is the birthday girl with my dad-her PAPA!
The Captains parents with all the kids! It was also our celebration for my MIL's birthday!The Captain started some farm work while the weather was decent this week-it is now 10 degrees here! Our big bus was in the shop ALL WEEK getting the drivers side window fixed (can't hardly enjoy SONIC HAPPY HOUR when the window doesn't roll down)-the replacement car??? A CROWN VICTORIA... Not exactly a car for all 8 of us.
The Captain was working ground with the plow at our new farm (6 miles away) when a pin broke and we had to go pick he and WY WY up. They are the dot on the below picture.
For any other farm wives out there...when farm equipment breaks..IT AIN'T GOOD IS IT?
PICTURE THIS... So, I loaded up the littles in the CROWN VIC and headed to pick the boys up-ALL 8 of us crammed in a Crown Vic-on gravel roads, IT WAS A SIGHT TO SEE PEOPLE! NO, there weren't enough seat belts for all but rules are MUCH DIFFERENT on the farm. Thank God I got my car back last night before The Cap left for work this a.m. So we will once again be driving safely.

My boys seem to get stuck everywhere. What possesses them to do these things?
One more thing...As I went in to brush my teeth this a.m. this is what I found..

I love it when the kids help me put away groceries! I think Aw-Bell got confused somewhere between the Q-tips and the sushi! Since we can't get sushi here, we use these kits to make our own-we live on this stuff! Maybe she thought the BBQ sauce was toothpaste? Who knows!

Have a blessed weekend!

Testifying for KIDS!

I just wanted to share with you all that Nick and I will be testifying in front of the Kansas House of Representatives on March 11th at 1:30pm to TRY and get Kansas House Bill 2333 passed. This bill puts pregnant women using illegal substances in mandatory rehab. Join us in praying that it will pass this year.

This law would have REALLY helped out our 6 children from the abuse they suffered in the womb-we will fight until this law gets passed, no matter how long it takes. These little faces are the reason we WILL NOT REST..

To see where your state stands on this issue CLICK HERE. And remember.....One person CAN make a difference in the life of a child.

My dream is to make a Public Service Announcement (starring my kids) to advocate for adoption of drug endangered children and foster children.

Maybe some day!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

PAY IT FORWARD & AWARDS-check it out!

Hey ALL! Happy Thursday! A while ago I won this darling stuff at the PAY IT FORWARD GIVEAWAY at my friend KELLY'S BLOG-Close to Home!

As part of my winning her Pay It Forward, I agreed to hold my own Pay It Forward Give-Away. So there is no time like now to have it. The rules are as follows...

1. leave me a comment (bc WHO does not enjoy some comment love?) for ONE entry

2. link back to my give-away post on your own blog for a SECOND entry (but be sure to tell me you did so)

3. if you are a follower (or become a follower) of my blog you get a bonus THIRD entry. (bc I love checking out new blogs and making new friends along the way)

4. If you win the Pay It Forward give-away, you agree to host your own Pay It Forward give-away on your blog. I will be PAYING IT FORWARD with 2 of my favorite things I use to pamper myself!

Is that simple enough? This give-away will end March 7th at 11pm.

I have been given the "YOUR BLOG IS FABULOUS" Award by my new bloggy friend ANDREA at BETTER THAN GOOD. She has adopted from Ethiopia-LOVE HER!

Here are the rules of "Your Blog is Fabulous." I have to list/describe five addictions and then pass the award on to five others. Along with other's... I am not sure how addictions apply to being fabulous, but I guess rules are rules?Here TOP 5 addictions..

#1 Kids-some people collect figurines, I collect kids.
#2 BLOGGING-DUH..nuf said
#3 Coffee-can't FUNCTION without my coffee and FLAVORED CREAMER!
#4 Chocolate
#5 THE BEACH, I would live there if I could.

Now for my 5 bloggy friends to receive this award.

#1 AMY-MONSTER WRANGLER! Amy and her hubs who's a pastor are just embarking on their foster care journey-I just love her honesty!
#2 Jen-Inside Isaiah! For her courage to adopt Isaiah despite his medical issues-she followed the plan of Jesus and wasn't scared to obey him. Plus we've been BFF since we were kids
#3 Gayly at QUILT N MAMA! Another adoptive mom who just got home with a handsome man from China :) Love her sweet heart!
#4 Kelly at The Missing Piece! Kelly and her sweet fam are also just embarking on their foster care journey-she is a tough, sweet mom!
#5 Midwest MOMMY! Oh how she makes me laugh-HILARIOUS! Check out her stroganoff pics-what a crack up!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


What??? You think I have enough to do with my 7 kids, farm, home schooling, public speaking & advocacy for Drug Endangered Children.

I am thanking God today for running into my kids old case worker late the other night at WALLY WORLD!

God has been calling me FOR MONTHS to do more to help the orphan.... I have been dreaming about black children and have felt drawn to Ethiopia for some time. I have been praying, reading books and buying stuff to support Africa.

I mentioned this to our social worker-I told her I felt our hands were tied since we can no longer foster here in our state because we have 6 children under age 16 (over the licensing limit). That's when she said "Oh, but we are desperate for Host Homes and you don't have to be licensed to be a Host Home." She went on to explain what this entails and gave me the number of the point of contact-"Dave". I came home, told The Captain and called the next day.

What is a Host Home? It's a safe place children stay for 1-2 days until their court date. These children are often removed from their homes with drugs, abuse or some type of danger. They are knows as "CINC" Child In Need of Care. Most of this happens on the weekend or the middle of the night.

I told "Dave" our history and he told me this "YOU HAVE MADE MY DAY!" I faxed him a copy of our old foster license and training certificate and they ran our background checks and he called me today to tell me that we are approved to be a HOST HOME. We could get a call as soon as this weekend. Only one other person in our county is doing this-he truly was desperate.

He also offered me a job-a difficult job. The job of an intake coordinator-I would be there with law enforcement to take a report when a child is removed from a dangerous home. I asked The Captain and he was very supportive. We live in a very spread out rural county and there is only one other intake person in our county. I told him I would do it the 2 weeks a month The Captain is home.

Thanking God today for using me right here in my community when I didn't think I could help-thanking Him for opening my eyes to a need to truly SERVE HIM through these children. What are you doing to help the kids in your community?

Once our eyes are opened, we can't PRETEND we do not know what to do. God who weighs our hearts & keeps our souls, knows that we know and holds us RESPONSIBLE TO ACT! Proverbs 24:12

Mark 9:37 Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me.

Don't forget to check in on Isaiah at HIS BLOG and give Jen some encouragement. We've raised over $1100 on facebook in 2 days-GOD IS SO GOOD!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

HELP-Fight for Isaiah!

Please help me in helping Isaiah's family. Isaiah is currently in Omaha, NE in the hospital and his family home is near Kansas City-about 3 1/2 hours away.

Fighting for Isaiah means not only stress to this family's heart but also their finances.

This is how it works. Jen is a nurse and works Mon-Fri in KC & takes care of their 2 other children while her hubby Aaron stays with Isaiah and on the weekends-Aaron works while Jen is with Isaiah.

This is VERY EXPENSIVE with gas, food, lodging etc. After the transplant, one of them with have to live in Omaha with Isaiah for 6 months-for the second time! Remember, they've done this once already.

I'm asking you to pray and if you find it in your heart-please donate.

There are 2 ways to donate:

You can mail a tax deductible check to their church-write Isaiah in memo Address:

Lifestream Christian Church

136 East Main Street

Gardner, KS


Phone: 913-856-8088

Or you can join FIGHTING FOR ISAIAH on facebook and donate there! I've raised $300 in 1 day already-God is working!

I am so excited to be able to help this family-I hope you will find it in your heart to do the same! Visit Isaiah's blog if you have time! You can also help by passing this on to others! Give THANKS to THE LORD FOR HE IS GOOD!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Isn't this necklace FANTABULOUS? Beki also made this.We had a VERY COMPLEX system to choose the winner!AND THE WINNER IS.....ADEYE SALEM from NO GREATER JOY MOM! Congrats! Email me at with your address and I will mail it out!

My trip to Omaha went well. It was so nice to spend time with Jen. It was VERY DIFFICULT for me to see Isaiah. He was in a lot of pain. So hard to see a child suffer. It is very overwhelming. Isaiah will be listed for another transplant in 6-8 weeks when he heals from this surgery. He will be getting a small bowel and liver transplant. He took this news very hard.

Guess what? While I was there, I helped Jen start a blog! It's so overwhelming for them to update everyone on his condition so I told her this would be a great idea. Go HERE to give Jen, her family and Isaiah a little bloggy love, welcome and encouragement.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Here are the 2 Jens...Me and my childhood friend-Jen.

My family calls her "OJ" (the other Jen). We have been blessed to be friends since we were about 3 years old. We've both adopted children. Jen is a nurse.

After feeling the call of God-She adopted a boy that was a foster child on her patient load with severe medical problems. He is now 6. This was the first time I was blessed to meet her son Isaiah. A TRUE JOY! A miracle. He also was exposed to many drugs just like my littles in the womb. He has endured much suffering since birth.Isaiah was born with all his "insides" on the outside. Here he is with Aw-Bell as a baby. He calls the 4 babies "his babies." Because of his problems...He needed a small bowel transplant. He's never really eaten or enjoyed eating food-he is mostly tube fed.

Jen and her hubby and other 2 kids took turns staying with Isaiah-sacrificing "self" for this sweet child. He has been in and out of the hospital for years. They thought the transplant worked......It didn't.......
Jen called yesterday to tell me that they had to remove ALL his new was destroyed. She has asked for prayer for her family. Isaiah is in unbearable pain and I'm sure Jen is too......of a different kind. The mommy kind-the kind I pray I never have to face.

If he makes it through...He will be listed for another transplant immediately.

Because of Jen and Aaron.....Isaiah KNOWS JESUS!! Praise the Lord for that.
As soon as The Captain heard-HE TOLD ME-"you are going to be with her"-He is such a wonderful husband. SO, As soon as THE CAPTAIN rolls in at 6pm CST, I will be rolling out to 5th floor ICU at The University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, spend the night holding, praying with and spending time with my dear friend and her boy.
Please join with me in prayer for my dear friend and her only boy. I don't even think Jen knows what a blog is but I HAVE SEEN the bloggy community come together in situations where prayers need to be lifted up-GOD DOES MIRACULOUS THINGS through these crazy computers.
Pray I'll know what to say & that whatever I say will comfort her. Pray that Isaiah's suffering will cease.

I don't know when I will return yet or check my blog again but will you help me spread this prayer for Isaiah? Thank you friends!

"O Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief." Psalm 143:1

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Scared out of my mind....That's what I was 4 years ago when I got the call about MyMy-our first foster baby. Born into some "very rough" even "deplorable" circumstances-AND exposed to methamphetamines and marijuana in the womb. Could I handle a "drug baby?" "What if she had to go home-back to her birth family?" God knew...

The Captain was out of town and I couldn't get ahold of him so I told the social worker "YES, we will take her." I WAS A NERVOUS WRECK!

I had just a few hours to gather ALL things needed for a newborn. Several friends rose to the occasion and helped us out instantly.

We had spaghetti that night..We (The oldest, bean, T and I) were eating when the car drove up. It was the social workers first delivery of a foster child since starting her first job out of college.

This is how she came to us..In the below photo are ALL the worldly possessions she had. A pink blanket and hat, a diaper and a t-shirt.
I asked the social worker "Are you going to stay with me?" She said "No, I have to go home and get supper for my husband." ARE YOU SERIOUS? You just drop her off and expect me to know what to do with a newborn? I haven't had one in 15 years.

She was loved instantly by all of us...ESPECIALLY the oldest..
Daddy got home later that night and I don't think he put her down for days!! The joy this girl has brought into our lives has been phenomenal!Her adoption was finalized just short of her first birthday!She has become a little violinist-something she most likely would not have done if God would not have saved her life that day 4 years ago.Happy 4th Birthday our princess-little MY MY who has become a beautiful young girl right before our eyes.
Most people say "Oh, you have saved those kids." NO...Thank you MY MY for helping "SAVE US!" And for the MANY blessings your life has brought us.

"The Lord will keep you from all harm-he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and your going now and forevermore." Psalms 121:7-8

Don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY by 11pm Friday!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This is my first official giveaway!

It's in honor of my 104th post!

Seems like yesterday when I had NO CLUE what a blog even was! LOVE the blogging community! God has lead SO MANY friends to me!

I've been SO EXCITED and anxiously awaiting this little gift below to give to one of faithful or sporadic bloggy readers!
Isn't it boxed so adorably? It will be a surprise to the winner!
My new friend Beki-has the most adorable stuff! She just made me this necklace and I LOVE IT! It's reversible-she also made the winners surprise!

There are only 2 requirements for this giveaway. THEY'RE EASY!

#1 You must leave a comment on this post by Friday, Feb 20th at 11pm.

#2 You must promise to share the following quotes/facts with 2 people....

Every 10 seconds, one person dies of AIDS and another 2 are infected. A total of 3 million people die each year from AIDS. This staggering number has been compared to 20 fully loaded Boeing 747 airplanes crashing every single day for an entire year.

"WILL American Christians stand by as an entire continent dies?" ---Bono from U2

Halfway around the world..there is a little boy or girl who is desperately in need of your compassion.

Less than 3 percent of evangelical Christians said they would help a Christian organization minister to an AIDS orphan.

"In the poor we meet Jesus in HIS most distressing disguises."--Mother Theresa

"You can throw up your hands in despair (about the sheer numbers of children suffering)...OR you can roll up your sleeves and get to work."-Larry Jones, co-founder-Feed The Children

How do we get our arms around 15 million children orphaned by AIDS? It is not impossible. There are 350,000 Evangelical churches in America. If every church in America sponsored 42 African AIDS orphans, we literally could SAVE THEIR LIVES!

"THE HIV/AIDS pandemic is the greatest opportunity for the Church to be the Church. It is time for us to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who need compassion." -----------------RICK WARREN

* There are 4.8 million orphans in Ethiopia.

- " In 2005, Ethiopia had 1,563,000 AIDS orphans, the second-highest concentration of such children in the world; and 4,414,000 orphans from all causes, the second-highest number in the world."

Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody -- I think that is a much greater hunger -- a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat. ~Mother Teresa

Isaiah 1:17 says, “Learn to do good; seek justice, reprove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, plead for the widow.” God is commanding us to care for the orphan!

“Whoever receives a child in My name, receives Me.” Matthew 18:5

There are NO unwanted children in the world, satan wants them ALL.

No, you can't "save the world" but you CAN make a difference in the life of one child that will last for generations. Bringing the love of Jesus to even ONE of the least of these-it's what Jesus would want.-ME(Jen)

"Though it makes things tighter for us in this king size bed, our home, our vehicle, as well as our wallet, the little pressure we may feel does not even compare to the pressure these little ones are experiencing. I figure if I ever make a mistake in over-indulging this is a good one to make." --John Loux (friend adopting 2 special needs kids from Ukraine as I type)

What are you willing to suffer for the sake of a child?

Got ya thinking huh? Good luck on the GIVEAWAY!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Country Roads...

Once all was said and done with school today. The Captain called from the west coast WITH HIS CAPTAIN WEATHER ALERT to tell me it was 62 degrees outside-I AM CLUELESS of what goes on outside my 4 walls at times. Imagine that!

I promptly jacketed, shoed and rushed the 6 littles out the door to bask in the sunshine! As I watched them RUSH down our road-filled with FREEDOM and ENERGY, The first thing that came to my fairly twisted mind was good ol' JOHN DENVER'S song....

Country Roads, Take me home, to the place...I BELONG!!!
At the end of our road is a creek or "CRICK" as the kids call it. They have gotten MUCH JOY over the years throwing rocks in the creek.
There was no technology, tv, or money involved in the joy we experienced today.It was still somewhat frozen today and so Wy Wy thought he could crack it with this small boulder :) Our Saint Bernard-Karmy got warm today-the kids LOVED watching her swim in the icy waters. Notice all the little rocks around her.After about 30 minutes of throwing rocks, it was time to head home.."Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children are a REWARD from him." Psalm 127:3
Days like today make me so THANKFUL for my 7 rewards.
We miss you captain daddy!

PS- I am having my first giveaway coming up soon STAY TUNED!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Toms and Pizza!

I only briefly got to talk to THE CAPTAIN late tonight & he was so tired so the details of the day didn't get shared. I am posting this info that may seem menial to you...For Him!

Woke up to the phone ringing (7:30am)-Our new Auger (farmin equipment) is in. I had 3 in bed with me when I awoke 1 boy-2 girls.

The boys have the sniffles and Wy Wy swears his nose is "bleedin" but I tell him its just runny boogers.

All my sweats are low-rise so anytime I sit-Bit But promptly STICKS HIS FINGER IN MY CRACK and screams "POO POO!" and then runs away laughing.

I taught about meters, kilometers and such to Mr. Smearfritz and about Jesus and Romans to "T".

The oldest dropped by for a visit & surprised me with a diet Dr. P-that was nice.

3:30-do I have time to take a quick shower (I really stunk), dress and load 6 littles by the time I need to leave for piano lessons at 3:45? SURE I DO-lock bedroom door, shower, dress-load em all up and head to piano-call chiropractor to tell her I'm on my way and guess what? She left early today-never happened before. HOW DARE HER? I SHOWERED FOR HER! I Needed my body/sanity fix! Bit Bit fell asleep in car.

4-5pm-got gas, washed car and sat in piano teachers driveway.

We usually eat RIGHT AT 5pm but tonight it was 6pm-THREW MY WHOLE NIGHT OFF! Bit But slept in the car (yes in the car) until 6:15-we were all done eating by the time I finally woke him up. I had the doors open to garage and window down in vehicle people-CHILL!

Came home & tried a GREAT new recipe for BBQ chicken pizza and I doubled it as I do ALL recipes for this tribe-YUMMERS! Cooking dinner without Bit But hanging on my leg was a BREEZIO!
Mr. Smearfritz and I LOVE Jalepenos so our part had JAPS on it!You probably notice in most of my photos where there is food..there are paper plates. Why? If I did dishes for all we go through I'd have 3 loads a day.
Paper plates make it so I only have to run the dishwasher once a day.
Bit But slept in the car (yes in the car) until 6:15-we were all done eating by the time I finally woke him up. I had the doors open to garage and window down in vehicle people-CHILL!
Aw-Bell LOVES having her pic taken-here she is with "T"-Pizza LOVE!
After supper and kids cleaned up, we watched Jon & Kate whom the little ones call "their guys" and they slowly drifted to bed by 9pm.
Bit But went at 10:30 due to his extended late nap.
Then I got on-line and got THESE SHOES that I have been wanting for a while. They are Toms Shoes. Toms saying is "ONE FOR ONE"-for every pair you buy-a child in need will also get a pair-GOOD STUFF. Then I went to GOBENA COFFEE and got some of their Coffee that supports orphans in ETHIOPIA, Zambia, Ukraine and India. I have their link also on my side bar.
I figure If I can't adopt a child in Ethiopia right now, I will do all I can to support the causes of the orphans there. I feel my heart & God's voice pulling me there. One day....I pray.....
WITH ALL OF THAT SAID...I am Going to BED-hey I made a rhyme!
And as I do, I will be DREAMING OF HIM........
And praising God for all the wonderful gifts I have been given & praying for those in need.
"You hear, oh Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed" Psalms 10:17-18