8:15pm-We have everything we need, we have to go around back to pick up our 116 pieces of 14 ft. lumber-meantime I buy some NIBS to bribe the kids later and some chocolate covered peanuts and water for my own sanity in the car.
8:30pm-The Captain pulls up to front door to pick us up-TIP we do this because carrying 6 coats inside is cumbersome and for long car rides the coats are too hot and bulky. It's much easier to quickly load/unload right at the front door than have 6 kids stumbling through a busy parking lot after spending another 30 minutes putting their coats on.
8:40pm-We head to the back to pick up our lumber. Movie #3 goes in SPIRIT. This took almost an hour. The pallet of wood we got had damaged pieces in it so they had to take the whole thing apart and take the damaged ones out then replace them with new ones. Tip-that's what I bought the candy for :) Kept them quiet for a while.
9:20pm-The Captain and Menard's dude FINALLY loaded lumber on trailer. The Captain gave BIT BUT a quick diaper change before we headed out. TIP during all the time in the car I am popping choc covered peanuts secretly like a mad woman.10:30pm-Home, unloaded all 6 sleeping children and junk from the car. Diapers on the 4 littles and tucked them all in bed. Another Road trip down...
Forgive me for not being the perfect mother but I'm trying to be good and normal. Even if I'm not, Lie and tell me I am. Thank you!